Profile photo Hanneke van Santen

Hanneke van Santen

Associate Professor - medical

Strategic program(s):


Dr. H.M. van Santen is clinical researcher, pediatric endocrinologist, and committed to improve the endocrine outcome of children with (oncologic) disease.

"I have the vision that all children should have an optimal hormonal state enabling them to have an optimal daily quality of life and to develop and grow (comparable to their peers) into adulthood. For children with underlying disease, this requires cross-field thinking and collaboration with partners outside of one’s own domain. My mission is to improve outcome of children with any kind of disease by preventing or restoring their endocrine dysfunction. Within this mission, I focus on the key-player of the endocrine system; “the hypothalamus".

Dr. Van Santen moved her career in 2013 to Utrecht to coordinate the endocrine care for children with cancer in the Princess Máxima Center. She has co-authored > 150 papers on the endocrine effects of childhood cancer treatment, pediatric thyroid cancer , craniopharyngioma and hypothalamic dysfunction.

She is an active associate professor in the research program of Child Health, WKZ, UMCU and associate-PI in the Princess Máxima Centre for Pediatric Oncology. In the UMCU Utrecht, she is coordinator of the European Reference Centers for "Rare Hypothalamic Disease", "Pituitary tumors" and "Thyroid Tumors" and , within the Maxima, chair of the M4C Craniopharyngioma. Her research program focusses on hypothalamic dysfunction and hypothalamic obesity, craniopharyngioma, pediatric thyroid cancer and the endocrine effects of childhood cancer treatment. She is an internationally acknowledged expert on hypothalamic dysfunction and pediatric thyroid cancer with regular invited lectures both national and international.

She is the chair of the Dutch Pediatric Endocrinologists (NvK, sectie kinderendocrinologie), of the SIOPe craniopharyngioma working group, and of the European Guideline for Thyroid cancer in children. Together with the Late Effects of Childhood Cancer International Guideline Harmonization Groups (IGHG) she co-chairs the recommendations for thyroid and hypothalamic-pituitary disorders, and is member of the working groups for gonadal toxicity and preservation of fertility and metabolic syndrome.

Research groups

Endocrine oncology research group

Research aim

To improve diagnostics, treatment and outcome for children and adults with Rare Endocrine Tumors by interdisciplinary and international collaborative research.
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Endocrine Effects of (treatment for) Neoplastic Disease

Research aim

In our research program, we aim to preserve or restore the endocrine system in children with (neoplastic) disease enabling normal growth and development into adulthood, with special focus on the hypothalamus, the pituitary and the thyroid gland.
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Recent publications

The cumulative burden of self-reported, clinically relevant outcomes in long-term childhood cancer survivors and implications for survivorship care Nina Streefkerk, Jop C. Teepen, Elizabeth A.M. Feijen, Katarzyna Jóźwiak, Helena J.H. van der Pal, Cecile M. Ronckers, Andrica C.H. De Vries, Margriet Van der Heiden-van Der Loo, Nynke Hollema, Marleen van den Berg, Jacqueline Loonen, Martha A. Grootenhuis, Dorine Bresters, A. Brigitta Versluys, Eline van Dulmen-den Broeder, Marry M. van den Heuvel-Eibrink, Flora E. van Leeuwen, Sebastian J.C.M.M. Neggers, Hanneke M. Van Santen, Mike Hawkins, Michael Hauptmann, Daisuke Yoneoka, Joke C. Korevaar, Wim J.E. Tissing, Leontien C.M. Kremer
Cancer, 2024, vol. 130, p.1349-1358
The development of fatigue after treatment for pediatric brain tumors does not differ between tumor locations Elin Irestorm, Antoinette Y.N. Schouten-van Meeteren, Marloes van Gorp, Jos W.R. Twisk, Hanneke M. van Santen, Marita Partanen, Martha A. Grootenhuis, Raphaele R.L. van Litsenburg
Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 2024, vol. 71
BMI increase during early childhood in boys with cystic fibrosis and early adrenarche Gizem Tamer, Hubertus Gerardus Maria Arets, Cornelis Kors van der Ent, Hanneke Margo van Santen, Hetty Jacoba van der Kamp
Pediatric Pulmonology, 2024, vol. 59, p.991-996
Overview of European standard clinical practice recommendations for multidiscplinary teams involved in the treatment of central nervous system tumours in children and adolescents – SIOPE Brain Tumour Group Maria Otth, Katrin Scheinemann, Thankamma Ajithkumar, Kristian Aquilina, Shivaram Avula, Hoong Wei Gan, Geert O. Janssens, Jurgen Lemiere, Giovanni Morana, Enrico Opocher, Stefan M. Pfister, Giorgio Porro, Felix Sahm, Ulrich Wilhelm Thomale, Michelle van Egmond-Ebbeling, Hanneke M. van Santen, Barry Pizer, Stefan Rutkowski
EJC Paediatric Oncology, 2024, vol. 3
A 14-year-old girl with premature ovarian insufficiency but with a positive pregnancy test Robbert N.H. Touwslager, C. Michel Zwaan, Boudewijn Bakker, Eef G.W.M. Lentjes, Leendert H.J. Looijenga, Hanneke M. van Santen
Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2024, vol. 37, p.482-485
Feasibility, safety, and efficacy of dietary or lifestyle interventions for hypothalamic obesity I. M.A.A. Van Roessel, M. Van Den Brink, J. Dekker, B. G. Ruitenburg-van Essen, W. J.E. Tissing, H. M. van Santen
Clinical Nutrition, 2024, vol. 43, p.1798-1811

Fellowships & Awards

2022: Elisabeth von Freyburg subsidie € 80.000,-

2021: ESPE Science Symposium 2022 - host application

External positions

co-PI Princess Maxima Center for Pediatric Oncology, Princess Máxima Center (PMC)