Profile photo Roel Goldschmeding

Roel Goldschmeding

Assistant Professor - medical

Research groups

Cardiovascular and kidney pathology

Research aim

We focus on patient-centered research into kidney diseases. We employ techniques such as immunohistochemistry, cell biology, model systems, microscopy, and MALDI mass spectrometry imaging. Additionally, we employ AI tools for digital pathology.

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Recent publications

CCN2/CTGF expression does not correlate with fibrosis in myeloproliferative neoplasms, consistent with noncanonical TGF-β signaling driving myelofibrosis Roos J Leguit, Roel Broekhuizen, Moniek de Witte, Reinier A P Raymakers, Roel Goldschmeding
Virchows Archives, 2024, vol. 484, p.837-845
Author Correction C van Dooijeweert, R N Flach, N D Ter Hoeve, C P H Vreuls, R Goldschmeding, J E Freund, P Pham, T Q Nguyen, E van der Wall, G W J Frederix, N Stathonikos, P J van Diest
Nature Cancer, 2024, vol. 5
Clinical implementation of artificial-intelligence-assisted detection of breast cancer metastases in sentinel lymph nodes C van Dooijeweert, R N Flach, N D Ter Hoeve, C P H Vreuls, R Goldschmeding, J E Freund, P Pham, T Q Nguyen, E van der Wall, G W J Frederix, N Stathonikos, P J van Diest
Nature Cancer, 2024, vol. 5, p.1195-1205
Smooth muscle-specific deletion of Ccn2 causes severe aorta malformation and atherosclerosis Jannik H Larsen, Julie S Hegelund, Matilde K Pedersen, Cecilie M Andersson, Caroline A Lindegaard, Didde R Hansen, Jane Stubbe, Jes S Lindholt, Camilla S Hansen, Andrietta Grentzmann, Maria Bloksgaard, Boye L Jensen, Raúl R Rodriguez-Díez, Marta Ruiz-Ortega, Sebastian Albinsson, Gerard Pasterkamp, Michal Mokry, Andrew Leask, Roel Goldschmeding, Bartosz Pilecki, Grith L Sorensen, Charles Pyke, Martin Overgaard, Hans C Beck, Daniel F J Ketelhuth, Lars M Rasmussen, Lasse B Steffensen
Cardiovascular research, 2024, vol. 120, p.1851–1868
Association of endothelial to mesenchymal transition and cellular senescence with fibrosis in skin biopsies of systemic sclerosis patients Yu Hsiang Chiu, Julia Spierings, Jacob M. van Laar, Jeska K. de Vries-Bouwstra, Marijke van Dijk, Roel Goldschmeding
Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, 2023, vol. 41, p.1612-1617
Tacrolimus induces a pro-fibrotic response in donor-derived human proximal tubule cells dependent on common variants of the CYP3A5 and ABCB1 genes Noël Knops, Yasaman Ramazani, Henriëtte De Loor, Roel Goldschmeding, Tri Q Nguyen, Lambert P van den Heuvel, Elena Levtchenko, Dirk J Kuypers
Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association, 2023, vol. 38, p.599-609

External positions

Supervisie dierexperiment - Wetenschap - Fibrogen Inc