Profile photo Giorgio Porro

Giorgio Porro

Assistant Professor - medical

Strategic program(s):

Strategic program(s):


Research groups

Eye Brain Center for pediatric neuro-oncological and neuro-ophthalmological diseases

Research aim

Children with a visual problem due to brain pathology should receive at the Eye Brain Center (EBC) the most advanced ophthalmological diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation in order to improve the better outcome of their visual potential.

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Recent publications

Treatment evaluation by volumetric segmentation in pediatric optic pathway glioma Carlien A. Bennebroek, Christiaan R. Schouten, Maartje C. Montauban-van Swijndregt, Peerooz Saeed, Giorgio L. Porro, Jan W.R. Pott, Anne T.M. Dittrich, Rianne Oostenbrink, Antoinette Y. Schouten-van Meeteren, Marcus C. de Jong, Pim de Graaf
Journal of Neuro-Oncology, 2024, vol. 166, p.79-87
Overview of European standard clinical practice recommendations for multidiscplinary teams involved in the treatment of central nervous system tumours in children and adolescents – SIOPE Brain Tumour Group Maria Otth, Katrin Scheinemann, Thankamma Ajithkumar, Kristian Aquilina, Shivaram Avula, Hoong Wei Gan, Geert O. Janssens, Jurgen Lemiere, Giovanni Morana, Enrico Opocher, Stefan M. Pfister, Giorgio Porro, Felix Sahm, Ulrich Wilhelm Thomale, Michelle van Egmond-Ebbeling, Hanneke M. van Santen, Barry Pizer, Stefan Rutkowski
EJC Paediatric Oncology, 2024, vol. 3
Variation in eye care professional distribution across Europe, a survey Louis Arnould, Balazs Varsanyi, Edward Dervan, Chiara Posarelli, Helena Prior Filipe, Tristan Bourcier, Andreas Wedrich, Renata Ivekovic, Goran Petrovski, Giorgio L. Porro, Guna Laganovska, Vilma Jurate Balciuniene, Ewa Mrukwa-Kominek, Karsten Paust, Segolene Roemer, Ivan O. Haefliger, Huban Atilla, Paul Ursell, Barba Cvenkel, Jens Kiilgaard, Christina Grupcheva, Alena Furdova, Marnix Claeys, Klara Maresova, Franco Mercieca, Toomas Sepp, Efstratios Parikakis, Marian Burcea, Wagih Aclimandos, Anthony P. Khawaja
Eye (Basingstoke), 2024, vol. 38, p.2226-2228
Practice patterns in the management of bacterial keratitis Simon Wespiser, Emilia Koestel, Thibaut Fabacher, Arnaud Sauer, Florent Aptel, Louis Arnould, Rimvydas Asoklis, Stephanie Baillif, Christophe Baudouin, Pierre Henri Becmeur, Diane Bernheim, Zsolt Bocksei, Vincent Borderie, Nacim Bouheraoua, Jean Louis Bourges, Alain Bron, Carole Burillon, Nicole Carnt, Christophe Chiquet, Beatrice Cochener, Isabelle Cochereau, Catherine Creuzot-Garcher, Thierry David, Paolo Fogagnolo, Lea Dormegny, Pierre Fournie, David Gaucher, Philippe Gohier, Gabrielle Gomart, Christina Grupcheva, Julie Gueudry, Gaëlle Ho Wang Yin, Louis Hoffart, Saskia Imhof, Renata Ivekovic, Juliette Knoeri, Laurent Kodjikian, Julie Kosacki, Marc Labetoulle, Jean Marc Legeais, Rafael Martinez-Costa, Gordana Megevand-Sunaric, Arnaud Messerlin, Laurent Meyer, Nicolas Meyer, Harold Merle, Frédéric Mouriaux, Marc Muraine, Giorgio Porro, Robert Wisse,
Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 2023, vol. 261, p.1961-1969
Diagnostic accuracy of retinal optical coherence tomography in children with a newly diagnosed brain tumour Myrthe A. Nuijts, Inge Stegeman, Giorgio L. Porro, Carlien A.M. Bennebroek, Tom van Seeters, Frank A. Proudlock, Antoinette Y.N. Schouten – van Meeteren, Saskia M. Imhof
Acta Ophthalmologica, 2023, vol. 101, p.658-669
Effects of Stimulus Luminance, Stimulus Color and Intra-Stimulus Color Contrast on Visual Field Mapping in Neurologically Impaired Adults Using Flicker Pupil Perimetry Brendan L. Portengen, Marnix Naber, Giorgio L. Porro, Douwe Bergsma, Evert J. Veldman, Saskia M. Imhof
Eye and Brain, 2023, vol. 15, p.77-89