Profile photo George Downward

George Downward

Assistant Professor


Human activities have a profound and lasting impact on our environment. These changes in turn, come back to impact our own health and well-being - often unfairly as we see again and again those who pollute the least suffering the worst of our changing environment.
My work involves examining, and teaching, how our activities lead to these changes in the environment and the impact these changes have upon us as a global community.

Recent publications

Sex-specific differences in physiological parameters related to SARS-CoV-2 infections among a national cohort (COVI-GAPP study) Kirsten Grossmann, Martin Risch, Andjela Markovic, Stefanie Aeschbacher, Ornella C. Weideli, Laura Velez, Marc Kovac, Fiona Pereira, Nadia Wohlwend, Corina Risch, Dorothea Hillmann, Thomas Lung, Harald Renz, Raphael Twerenbold, Martina Rothenbühler, Daniel Leibovitz, Vladimir Kovacevic, Paul Klaver, Timo B. Brakenhoff, Billy Franks, Marianna Mitratza, George S. Downward, Ariel Dowling, Santiago Montes, Duco Veen, Diederick E. Grobbee, Maureen Cronin, David Conen, Brianna M. Goodale, Lorenz Risch,
PLoS ONE, 2024, vol. 19
Hemoglobin and Its Relationship with Fatigue in Long-COVID Patients Three to Six Months after SARS-CoV-2 Infection Somayeh Bazdar, Lizan D. Bloemsma, Nadia Baalbaki, Jelle M. Blankestijn, Merel E.B. Cornelissen, Rosanne J.H.C.G. Beijers, Brigitte M. Sondermeijer, Yolanda van Wijck, George S. Downward, Anke H. Maitland-van der Zee,
Biomedicines, 2024, vol. 12
Evaluation of risk prediction models to select lung cancer screening participants in Europe Xiaoshuang Feng, Patrick Goodley, Karine Alcala, Florence Guida, Rudolf Kaaks, Roel Vermeulen, George S Downward, Catalina Bonet, Sandra M Colorado-Yohar, Demetrius Albanes, Stephanie J Weinstein, Marcel Goldberg, Marie Zins, Caroline Relton, Arnulf Langhammer, Anne Heidi Skogholt, Mattias Johansson, Hilary A Robbins
The Lancet Digital Health, 2024, vol. 6, p.e614-e624
Long-term exposure to particulate matter and all-cause and cause-specific mortality in an analysis of multiple Asian cohorts G. S. Downward, P. Hystad, S. Tasmin, S. K. Abe, E. Saito, M. S. Rahman, M. R. Islam, P. C. Gupta, N. Sawada, R. Malekzadeh, S. L. You, H. Ahsan, S. K. Park, M. S. Pednekar, S. Tsugane, A. Etemadi, C. J. Chen, A. Shin, Y. Chen, P. Boffetta, K. S. Chia, K. Matsuo, Y. L. Qiao, N. Rothman, W. Zheng, M. Inoue, D. Kang, Q. Lan, R. C.H. Vermeulen
Environment International, 2024, vol. 189
Early life ambient air pollution, household fuel use, and under-5 mortality in Ghana Ali Moro, Engelbert A Nonterah, Kerstin Klipstein-Grobusch, Samuel Oladokun, Paul Welaga, Patrick O Ansah, Perry Hystad, Roel Vermeulen, Abraham R Oduro, George Downward
Environment International, 2024, vol. 187
The effect of the urban exposome on COVID-19 health outcomes Laura Houweling, Anke-Hilse Maitland-Van der Zee, Judith C S Holtjer, Somayeh Bazdar, Roel C H Vermeulen, George S Downward, Lizan D Bloemsma
Environmental Research, 2024, vol. 240, p.117351