Profile photo Geke Poolen

Geke Poolen

PHD Candidate - OIO

Strategic program(s):

Recent publications

Evaluation of the procoagulant state in chronic immune thrombocytopenia before and after eltrombopag treatment—a prospective cohort study Wobke E.M. van Dijk, Geke C. Poolen, Albert Huisman, Harry R. Koene, Rob Fijnheer, Noortje Thielen, Esther R. van Bladel, Karin P.M. van Galen, Roger E.G. Schutgens, Rolf T. Urbanus
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 2023, vol. 21, p.1020-1031
Pediatric medulloblastoma express immune checkpoint B7-H3 S Li, G C Poolen, L C van Vliet, J G Schipper, R Broekhuizen, M Monnikhof, W Van Hecke, J F Vermeulen, N Bovenschen
Clinical & translational oncology : official publication of the Federation of Spanish Oncology Societies and of the National Cancer Institute of Mexico, 2022, vol. 24, p.1204-1208
VhH anti-thrombomodulin clone 1 inhibits TAFI activation and enhances fibrinolysis in human whole blood under flow Marc V A van Moorsel, Geke Poolen, Cornelis A Koekman, Sandra Verhoef, Steven de Maat, Arjan Barendrecht, Nadine D van Kleef, Joost C M Meijers, Raymond Schiffelers, Coen Maas, Rolf T Urbanus
Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH, 2022, vol. 20, p.1213-1222