Profile photo Frank Meye

Frank Meye

Associate Professor

Strategic program(s):


Neurophysiologist doing research on the brain's reward system in health and disease. Current focus on effects of stress on the (extended) dopamine neural circuitry, in relation to obesity, eating disorders and drug addiction. 

Strategic program(s):


Research groups

Neural circuit plasticity and function

Research aim

The brain performs its functions through neural circuits: collections of interconnected cells (i.e. different types of neurons, and glial cells). We aim to unravel these circuits, understand how experiences alter them, and decipher their function.

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Neural circuit function

Research aim

We aim to unravel the neurobiology underlying eating disorders. This will provide a framework for the development of neurobiology-based therapeutic interventions for diseases like anorexia nervosa.

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Recent publications

Uneasiness in interdisciplinary research and the importance of metaphors T. C. Van Charldorp, M. A. Strick, J. C. de Grauw, S. Brugman, Y. Van de Burgt, L. H.H. Winkens, F. J. Meye, M. Rijsdijk, H. L.D.M. Willemen
PEC Innovation, 2024, vol. 5
ALS-associated C21ORF2 variant disrupts DNA damage repair, mitochondrial metabolism, neuronal excitability and NEK1 levels in human motor neurons Pavol Zelina, Anna Aster de Ruiter, Christy Kolsteeg, Ilona van Ginneken, Harmjan R Vos, Laura F Supiot, Boudewijn M T Burgering, Frank J Meye, Jan H Veldink, Leonard H van den Berg, R Jeroen Pasterkamp
Acta neuropathologica communications, 2024, vol. 12
Molecular diversity and migration of GABAergic neurons in the developing ventral midbrain Özge Düdükcü, Divya D.A. Raj, Lieke L. van de Haar, Laurens M. Grossouw, Louisa E. Linders, Oxana Garritsen, Youri Adolfs, Nicky C.H. van Kronenburg, Mark H. Broekhoven, Troy H.W. Kapteijns, Frank J. Meye, R. Jeroen Pasterkamp
iScience, 2024, vol. 27
Transient impact of chronic social stress on effort-based reward motivation in non-food restricted mice Danina Evertse, Pilar Alves-Martinez, Giulia Treccani, Marianne B. Müller, Frank J. Meye, Michael A. van der Kooij
Neurobiology of stress, 2024, vol. 33
GelMap Hugo G J Damstra, Josiah B Passmore, Albert K Serweta, Ioannis Koutlas, Mithila Burute, Frank J Meye, Anna Akhmanova, Lukas C Kapitein
Nature Methods, 2023, vol. 20, p.1573-1580
Characterizing and TRAPing a Social Stress-Activated Neuronal Ensemble in the Ventral Tegmental Area Ioannis Koutlas, Louisa E Linders, Stef E van der Starre, Inge G Wolterink-Donselaar, Roger A H Adan, Frank J Meye
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience [E], 2022, vol. 16

Fellowships & Awards


2021: Recipient of NWO VIDI 
2019: Co-Recipient of NWO Gravity Grant
2019: Co-Recipient of Young IBRO Connecting Regions Grant
2019: Recipient of CJ Vaillant Grant
2018: Recipient of European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant
2017: Recipient of Rudolf Magnus Young Talent award
2016: Recipient of NARSAD Young Investigator award BBR Foundation
2015: Recipient of VENI grant from Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
2012: Recipient of Fondation Fyssen postdoctoral scholarship

External positions

Lid Commissie ZonMW Open Competitie - Beoordeling van biomedische onderzoeksvoorstellen (raakvlak is dat ik biomedisch onderzoeker ben). - ZonMW