Profile photo Floris Groenendaal

Floris Groenendaal

Associate Professor - medical

Strategic program(s):


Floris Groenendaal finished Medical School of the Erasmus University Rotterdam in 1984. From 1984 1986 he worked at the Institute of Physiology I (Neurophysiology) of the Erasmus University Rotterdam and defended his PhD thesis: "Perinatal hypoxia and visual functions in infants and children" in January 1988. From 1986 to 1991 he was trained in paediatrics in the Sophia Children’s Hospital in Rotterdam. His fellowship neonatology was spent at the Sophia Children’s Hospital, Rotterdam, and the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, Utrecht.

Since April 1993 he is consultant neonatology at the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital/University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands. At present he is associate professor of neonatology.

In 1994 he was funded by the Ter Meulen Fund to spend his post-doc period at the Department of Physiology of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA. The main focus of his scientific research is: early detection of neonatal brain injury (including MR techniques) and neuroprotection. Under his guidance hypothermia was introduced as standard therapy for neonates with perinatal asphyxia in the Netherlands in 2008. Meanwhile, in collaboration with the NIDOD laboratory of the UMC Utrecht novel therapeutic  strategies have been developed and tested in animal models.

He has been involved in many PhD studies, and has obtained grants from different sources. Publications cited in PubMed include more than 250 papers.

He is member of many professional societies.

Research line

Neonatal neuroprotection

Most recent key publications

1: Harteman JC et al. Diffusion-weighted imaging changes in cerebral watershed distribution following neonatal encephalopathy are not invariably associated with an adverse outcome. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2013;55:642-53
2: Harteman JC et al. Placental pathology in full-term infants with hypoxic-ischemic neonatal encephalopathy and association with magnetic resonance imaging pattern of brain injury. J Pediatr. 2013;163:968-95
3: Van den Heuvel MP et al. The Neonatal Connectome During Preterm Brain Development. Cereb Cortex. 2015;25:3000-13
4: Kersbergen K et al. Microstructural brain development between 30 and 40 weeks corrected age in a longitudinal cohort of extremely preterm infants. Neuroimage. 2014;103:214-24
5: Alderliesten T et al. Neuroprotection by argon ventilation after perinatal asphyxia: a safety study in newborn piglets. PLoS One. 2014;9:e113575

Recent publications

Maternal Pertussis Immunization and Immunoglobulin G Levels in Early- to Late-Term and Preterm Infants Maarten M Immink, Mireille N Bekker, Hester E de Melker, Gerco den Hartog, Nynke Y Rots, Pieter G M van Gageldonk, Floris Groenendaal, Elisabeth A M Sanders, Nicoline A T van der Maas,
JAMA network open, 2024, vol. 7
A Population Model of Time-Dependent Changes in Serum Creatinine in (Near)term Neonates with Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy During and After Therapeutic Hypothermia Wojciech Krzyzanski, Pia Wintermark, Pieter Annaert, Floris Groenendaal, Suzan Şahin, Mehmet Yekta Öncel, Didem Armangil, Esin Koc, Malcolm R Battin, Alistair J Gunn, Adam Frymoyer, Valerie Y-L Chock, Elif Keles, Djalila Mekahli, John van den Anker, Anne Smits, Karel Allegaert
The AAPS Journal, 2024, vol. 26
Do we need a brain MRI once or twice in infants treated with hypothermia? Linda S de Vries, Floris Groenendaal
Pediatric Research, 2023, vol. 94, p.870-872
Population Pharmacokinetics and Dosing Optimization of Ceftazidime in Term Asphyxiated Neonates during Controlled Therapeutic Hypothermia Marlotte A A van der Veer, Timo R de Haan, Linda G W Franken, Caspar J Hodiamont, Floris Groenendaal, Peter H Dijk, Willem P de Boode, Sinno Simons, Koen P Dijkman, Henrica L M van Straaten, Monique Rijken, Filip Cools, Debbie H G M Nuytemans, Anton H van Kaam, Yuma A Bijleveld, Ron A A Mathôt
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2023, vol. 67
Proceedings of the 14th International Newborn Brain Conference Sanoj Ali, Talal Altamimi, Kim Annink, Peter Bartmann, Nina Beato, Kristina Belker, Danielle Ben-David, Manon Benders, Soume Bhattacharya, Aravanan Anbu Chakkarapani, Laurence Charbonneau, Sara Cherkerzian, Rasheda Arman Chowdhury, Helen Christou, Dandrine de Ribaupierre, Mathieu Dehaes, Caroline Domogalla, Emma G. Duerden, Mohamed El-Dib, Mohammed Elanbari, Hoda Elshibiny, Corinna Engel, Ursula Felderhoff, Andreas W. Flemmer, Maria Angela Franceschini, Axel Franz, Aisling Garvey, Floris Groenendaal, Samir Gupta, Katie Hannon, Lena Hellström-Westas, Susanne Herber-Jonat, Sandra Holz, Britta Hüning, Terrie Inder, Asma Jamil, Treesa Jilson, Lilian M.N. Kebaya, Matthias Keller, Aisha Kamil Mohamed Khalifa, Seh Hyun Kim, Jochen Kittel, Lutz Koch, Alexandra Kowalczyk, Joachim Kühr, Keith St Lawrence, Sarah Lee, Bohdana Marandyuk, Neil Marlow, Paula Camila Mayorga, Ron Meyer, Paige Meyerink, Joaquim Miró, Kiran More, Aisha Munk, Chelsea Munster, Melab Musabi, Anne Monique Nuyt, Jochen Peters, Achim Plum, Nancy Poirier, Johannes Pöschl, Marie Josée Raboisson, Jill Robinson, Sriya Roychaudhuri, Mario Rüdiger, Gergely Sarközy, Ola D. Saugstad, Hugo Segerer, Naharmal Soni, Anja Stein, Carola Steins-Rang, John Sunwoo, Eniko Szakmar, Lingkai Tang, Erdal Taskin, Homa Vahidi, Sina Waldherr, Christian Wieg, Stefan Winkler, Rong Wu, Phani Kiran Yajamanyam, Hacer Yapicioglu-Yildizdas
2023, p.S63-S73
The Association of Dexamethasone and Hydrocortisone with Cerebellar Growth in Premature Infants Laura A Warmerdam, Gerda van Wezel-Meijler, Linda S de Vries, Floris Groenendaal, Sylke J Steggerda
Neonatology, 2023, vol. 120, p.615-623

Fellowships & Awards

2023: Wilhelmina Kinderziekenhuis Erepenning

2019: Joop de Bruijne Prijs voor Neonatologie

2019: Crucial trial

External positions

Medische aandoening beschrijven - Inbrengen medische kennis - Uptodate