Profile photo Fien van Dongen

Fien van Dongen

PHD Candidate - Medical

Strategic program(s):

Recent publications

The rainbow scale for the assessment of dermatochalasis of the female upper eyelid J. J. Mooij, L. S. van de Lande, S. M.W. Pool, H. P.J.D. Stevens, B. van der Lei, J. A. van Dongen
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 2023, vol. 76, p.15-17
Evaluation of non-specific effects of human rotavirus vaccination in medical risk infants Josephine A P van Dongen, Elsbeth D M Rouers, Marc J M Bonten, Patricia C J Bruijning-Verhagen,
Vaccine, 2021, vol. 39, p.6151-6156
Rotavirus Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness in Infants With High-Risk Medical Conditions Josephine A P van Dongen, Elsbeth D M Rouers, Rob Schuurman, Caterina Band, Shannon M Watkins, Marlies A van Houten, Louis J Bont, Obbe F Norbruis, Marieke A C Hemels, Gijs T J van Well, Arine M Vlieger, Jacqueline van der Sluijs, Helene G Stas, Gerdien Tramper-Stranders, Elly A Kleinlugtenbeld, Anne A M W van Kempen, Margreet Wessels, Maaike C van Rossem, Carin A C M Dassel, Dasja Pajkrt, Marc J M Bonten, Patricia C J Bruijning-Verhagen
Pediatrics, 2021, vol. 148
Impact analysis of rotavirus vaccination in various geographic regions in Western Europe J D M Verberk, J A P van Dongen, J van de Kassteele, N J Andrews, R D van Gaalen, S J M Hahné, H Vennema, M Ramsay, T Braeckman, S Ladhani, S L Thomas, J L Walker, H E de Melker, T K Fischer, J Koch, P Bruijning-Verhagen
Vaccine, 2021, vol. 39, p.6671-6681
Association of Routine Infant Vaccinations with Antibody Levels among Preterm Infants Elsbeth D.M. Rouers, Patricia C.J. Bruijning-Verhagen, Pieter G.M. Van Gageldonk, Josephine A.P. Van Dongen, Elisabeth A.M. Sanders, Guy A.M. Berbers
JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 2020, vol. 324, p.1068-1077