Profile photo Everlien de Graaf

Everlien de Graaf

Assistant Professor

Recent publications

Towards a Learning Health System for Symptom Management in Hospice Care Marieke Massa, Marijke A. Dermois, Jennifer Caffarel, Christine M. Cramer-Van Der Welle, Dianne K.E. Boxman, Everlien de Graaf, Saskia S.C.M. Teunissen, Jurrian van der Werf
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 2024, vol. 316, p.66-67
The Impact of Hospice Care Structures on Care Processes Everlien de Graaf, Matthew Grant, Frederieke van der Baan, Marieke Ausems, Carlo Leget, Saskia Teunissen
The American journal of hospice & palliative care, 2024, p.10499091241228254
‘It is important to feel invited’ Tom Lormans, Everlien de Graaf, Sita de Vries, Carlo Leget, Saskia Teunissen
Palliative Care and Social Practice, 2024, vol. 18
Barriers and facilitators that hospital clinicians perceive to discuss the personal values, wishes, and needs of patients in palliative care Sita de Vries, Mary Joanne Verhoef, Sigrid Cornelia Johanna Maria Vervoort, Yvette Milene van der Linden, Saskia Cornelia Constantia Maria Teunissen, Everlien de Graaf
Palliative Care and Social Practice, 2023, vol. 17
Variations in Clinical Practice Everlien de Graaf, Matthew Grant, Frederieke van de Baan, Marijke Ausems, Cathelijne Verboeket-Crul, Carlo Leget, Saskia Teunissen
The American journal of hospice & palliative care, 2023, vol. 40, p.87-95