Profile photo Esther van Kleef

Esther van Kleef

Assistant Professor


Esther van Kleef is based at the Oxford Nuffield Department of Medicine, working as a technical consultant for the World Health Organisation (WHO) on the global surveillance of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), while holding an honorary position as assistant professor at University Medical Centre Utrecht.

Esther has experience with quantitative methodology including mathematical modelling and handling of surveillance data, which she has combined with hands-on field experience in HIC and LMIC. Esther’s research interests include understanding the transmission-dynamics of AMR and emerging infectious diseases, and the effectiveness of infection prevention and control strategies. She leads interdisciplinary work that aims to improve the surveillance, monitoring and response of emerging infectious diseases from a data science context, both in Europe and Africa. She is particularly interested in optimising the collection and use of conventional and innovative surveillance data sources for analytics to inform public health policies and decision-making.  

Esther completed a PhD in Infectious Disease Epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. This was followed by academic positions related to modelling the transmission-dynamics of AMR at Oxford University (Mahidol-Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit, Thailand) and Public Health England (former UKHSA). Prior to WHO, Esther worked as a senior scientist (infectious disease epidemiology) at the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp and epidemiologist at the Dutch National Institute of Public Health and the Environment. In the latter role, she coordinated AMR research informing the national surveillance strategy and ten consultant epidemiologists working on AMR surveillance at a regional level. In 2019-2020, she was involved as a WHO consultant in the 10th outbreak of Ebola virus disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, leading a team of epidemiologists, analysts and data managers to provide real-time outbreak analytics for decision-making.

She is an invited member to several advisory groups and global networks, and lead-PI or co-I to various academic research projects involving AMR, COVID-19 and Epidemic Intelligence.

Recent publications

Epidemic intelligence in Europe Fanny Bouyer, Oumy Thiongane, Alexandre Hobeika, Elena Arsevska, Aurélie Binot, Déborah Corrèges, Timothée Dub, Henna Mäkelä, Esther van Kleef, Ferran Jori, Renaud Lancelot, Alize Mercier, Francesca Fagandini, Sarah Valentin, Wim Van Bortel, Claire Ruault
BMC Public Health, 2024, vol. 24
Evaluating the effect of a behavioural intervention bundle on antibiotic use, quality of care, and household transmission of resistant Enterobacteriaceae in intervention versus control clusters in rural Burkina Faso and DR Congo (CABU-EICO) Marianne van der Sande, Brecht Ingelbeen, Marie Meudec, Esther van Kleef, Linda Campbell, Edwin Wouters, Joachim Marien, Rianne van Vredendaal, Herwig Leirs, Daniel Valia, Sibidou Yougbare, Stephane Kouanda Juste, Aminata Welgo, Halidou Tinto, Delphin Mpanzu, Bijou Mbangi, Cesar Augustin Khoso Muaka, Oscar Kiabanza, Adna Melanda, Richelin Makuaya, Didier Ndomba, Papa Mamadou Diagne, Leonard Heyerdahl, Tamara Giles-Vernick, Sandra Van Puyvelde, Ben Cooper,
Trials, 2024, vol. 25
Mild and moderate COVID-19 during Alpha, Delta and Omicron pandemic waves in urban Maputo, Mozambique, December 2020-March 2022 Brecht Ingelbeen, Victória Cumbane, Ferão Mandlate, Barbara Barbé, Sheila Mercedes Nhachungue, Nilzio Cavele, Cremildo Manhica, Catildo Cubai, Neusa Maimuna Carlos Nguenha, Audrey Lacroix, Joachim Mariën, Anja de Weggheleire, Esther van Kleef, Philippe Selhorst, Marianne A.B. van der Sande, Martine Peeters, Marc Alain Widdowson, Nalia Ismael, Ivalda Macicame
PLOS global public health, 2024, vol. 4
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and response on the utilisation of health services in public facilities during the first wave in Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo Celestin Hategeka, Simone E. Carter, Faustin Mukalenge Chenge, Eric Nyambu Katanga, Grégoire Lurton, Serge Ma Nitu Mayaka, DIeudonné Kazadi Mwamba, Esther Van Kleef, Veerle Vanlerberghe, Karen Ann Grépin
BMJ global health, 2021, vol. 6
How to improve outbreak response Simone E. Carter, Steve Ahuka-Mundeke, Jérôme Pfaffmann Zambruni, Carlos Navarro Colorado, Esther Van Kleef, Pascale Lissouba, Sophie Meakin, Olivier Le Polain De Waroux, Thibaut Jombart, Mathias Mossoko, Dorothée Bulemfu Nkakirande, Marjam Esmail, Giulia Earle-Richardson, Marie Amelie Degail, Chantal Umutoni, Julienne Ngoundoung Anoko, Nina Gobat
BMJ global health, 2021, vol. 6
Antimicrobial resistance and covid-19 Gwenan M. Knight, Rebecca E. Glover, C. Finn McQuaid, Ioana D. Olaru, Karin Gallandat, Quentin J. Leclerc, Naomi M. Fuller, Sam J. Willcocks, Rumina Hasan, Esther van Kleef, Clare I.R. Chandler
eLife, 2021, vol. 10