Profile photo Esther de Groot

Esther de Groot

Associate Professor


After a master in molecular biology, I became an educationalist, worked as an (e)-learning consultant, and wrote my thesis about lifelong learning of veterinary professionals. At present, I am a researcher in the learning sciences within the medical domain.

Interests and Focus

I investigate how (upcoming) medical professionals learn at the workplace and how their professional performance could be supported and enhanced. Questions about informal interprofessional collaborative learning of professionals, especially for the purpose of connecting evidence, patient values and clinical expertise (EBM), are my primary research focus. I look at learning processes that occur at boundaries:

  • between professionals from different disciplines,
  • between professionals and lay people,
  • and between researchers and clinicians.

My work helps to realise sound interventions which facilitate learning in organisations and contributes to application of (biomedical) evidence.

I have a strong methodological interest in qualitative research methods. I have experience with realist reviews, video stimulated recall interviews, social network analysis and conversation analysis.


Research groups

Research in the Continuum of Primary Care Education

Research aim

The aim is, primarily through research, to improve and support the learning of Primary Care professionals, within and outside of the UMCU, through innovative learning approaches at the workplace, in networks and communities.

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Recent publications

Exploring expressed concerns and uncanny feeling in patients with shortness of breath calling out-of-hours primary care Michelle Spek, Dorien L Zwart, Esther de Groot, Michelle R Timmerman, Maarten van Smeden, Daphne C A Erkelens, Anna S M Dobbe, Mathé Delissen, Frans H Rutten, Roderick P Venekamp
BMC Primary Care, 2025, vol. 26
Accuracy of urgency allocation in patients with shortness of breath calling out-of-hours primary care Michelle Spek, Roderick P Venekamp, Esther de Groot, Geert-Jan Geersing, Daphne C A Erkelens, Maarten van Smeden, Anna S M Dobbe, Mathé Delissen, Frans H Rutten, Dorien L Zwart
BMC Primary Care, 2024, vol. 25
Advancing collaboration in health professions education in the general practice domain, developing a national research agenda Esther de Groot, Marianne Mak van der Vossen, Irene Slootweg, Meryem Çorum, Anneke Kramer, Jean Muris, Nynke Scherpbier, Bart Thoonen, Roger Damoiseaux
Advances in Health Sciences Education, 2024, vol. 29, p.1417-1434
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the accuracy of telephone triage of callers with shortness of breath and/or chest discomfort in Dutch out-of-hours primary care Michelle Spek, Anna S M Dobbe, Dorien L Zwart, Daphne C A Erkelens, Geert-Jan Geersing, Esther de Groot, Mathé Delissen, Frans H Rutten, Roderick P Venekamp
European Journal of General Practice, 2024, vol. 30
How Clinician-Scientists Access and Mobilise Social Capital and Thus Contribute to the Professional Development of Their Colleagues in Their Networks Esther de Groot, Jasperina Brouwer, Yvette Baggen, Nienke Moolenaar, Manon Kluijtmans, Roger Damoiseaux
Journal of CME, 2024, vol. 13
Interprofessional education for healthcare professionals. A BEME realist review of what works, why, for whom and in what circumstances in undergraduate health sciences education Demi Krystallidou, Maria J Kersbergen, Esther de Groot, Cornelia R M G Fluit, Wietske Kuijer-Siebelink, Fien Mertens, Saskia C M Oosterbaan-Lodder, Nynke Scherpbier, Marco A C Versluis, Peter Pype
Medical Teacher, 2024, vol. 46, p.1607-1624