Associate Professor - medical
I am a clinical psychiatrist and associate professor at the UMC Utrecht Department of Psychiatry, Affective and Psychotic Disorders Unit. I am Principle Investigator of the GRIP program for recovery of psychosis and hearing voices, and head of Psychophysiology (EEG) Lab.
I conduct research on the emergence of psychiatric symptoms and the development of predictors of the effectiveness of psychiatric treatments. In doing so, I currently focus particularly on psychotic disorders, depression and delirium, and make extensive use of machine learing and electroencephalography (EEG) recordings of brain activity. Multidisciplinary collaboration is crucial in my research, with colleagues from the fields of neurology, psychology, neuroscience, datascience, physics and philosophy, with experts by experience, and with social designers. The aim of this research is to better adapt treatments to the individual, so that symptoms disappear more quickly and unnecessary side effects can be avoided.
Research aim
Innovation in Psychiatry embraces patient involvement, use different data sources and tools & methods for personalized prediction and treatment. With a holistic approach, we aim to improve the well-being of individuals with mental health problems.
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