Associate Professor
Strategic program(s):
Dr. Spierings received his PhD degree as immunologist at the Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands and was subsequently recognized as SMBWO Immunologist by the Dutch Society for Immunology. His postdoctoral training was performed on minor H antigens in organ- and stem-cell transplantation in the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Els Goulmy, Leiden, The Netherlands. In 2008, he was appointed as lab director of the HLA laboratory of the University Medical Centre Utrecht, The Netherlands. In that position, he combines diagnostic histocompatibility testing with research. His current scientific interest focusses on the role of indirect recognition of mismatched HLA in transplantation and on post-transplant immunomonitoring via Next Generation Sequencing of T- and B-cell receptors and immunoglobulins.
Research aim
We aim to understand how infection and immunity impact transplantation. By uncovering these mechanisms, we aim to improve patient care, reduce rejection and complications, and enhance success rates, benefiting society with better health outcomes.
Go to groupLid Science & Technology Initiatives Committee (STIC) - Liaison namens EFI binnen deze ASHI commissie - American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics
Member of the Scientific Committee - Member of the Scientific Committee - European Federation for Immunogenetics
Co-president - HLA, transplantation, and immunogenetics - International HLA & Immunogenetics Workshop Council
Contract Research - Onderzoek naar T cel en B cel epitopen en verfijnen van bestaande algoritmes - PIRCHE AG
Medisch Immunoloog Kenniscentrum MATCHIS. Consultverlening in het kader van stamceltransplantatie. - Histocompatibiliteit in stamceltransplantatie. Complementair en niet competerend. - Stichting MATCHIS
Member of the Editorial Board - Member of the Editorial Board - HLA Immune Response Genetics
Chair of the IT and Bioinformatics Committee - HLA and automation - European Federation for Immunogenetics
Chair of the Bioinformatics and IT Committee - Chair of the Bioinformatics and IT Committee - European Federation for Immunogenetics
Chair and Treasurer - HLA, transplantation, and Immunogenetics - 18th International HLA&Immunogenetics Workshop Foundation
Associate Editor - Associate Editor - Frontiers in Immunology
Member of the Editorial Board - Member of the Editorial Board - Cellular Immunology
Contract Research and advisory function - HLA matching at the epitope level - PIRCHE AG