Dominique de Kleijn

Full Professor

Strategic program(s):

Research groups

Therapy of atherosclerosis and aneurysms

Research aim

Development and validation of image guided interventions, medical devices and pharmaceutical interventions (eg anti-inflammatory/coagulation) to improve outcome of atherosclerotic disease and aneurysms

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Recent publications

Plasma C-reactive protein is associated with a pro-inflammatory and adverse plaque phenotype Jordan M Kraaijenhof, Barend M Mol, Nick S Nurmohamed, Kim E Dzobo, Jeffrey Kroon, G Kees Hovingh, Michal Mokry, Gert J de Borst, Erik S G Stroes, Dominique P V de Kleijn
Atherosclerosis, 2024, vol. 396
Atherosclerotic Plaque Epigenetic Age Acceleration Predicts a Poor Prognosis and Is Associated With Endothelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition in Humans Ernest Diez Benavente, Robin J G Hartman, Tim R Sakkers, Marian Wesseling, Yannicke Sloots, Lotte Slenders, Arjan Boltjes, Barend M Mol, Gert J de Borst, Dominique P V de Kleijn, Koen H M Prange, Menno P J de Winther, Johan Kuiper, Mete Civelek, Sander W van der Laan, Steve Horvath, Charlotte Onland-Moret, Michal Mokry, Gerard Pasterkamp, Hester M den Ruijter
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 2024, vol. 44, p.1419-1431
Tobacco smoking is associated with sex- and plaque-type specific upregulation of CRLF1 in atherosclerotic lesions Tian Lan, Kaylin C.A. Palm, Luka Hoeben, Ernest Diez Benavente, R. Noah Perry, Mete Civelek, Dominique P.V. de Kleijn, Hester M. den Ruijter, Gerard Pasterkamp, Michal Mokry
Atherosclerosis, 2024, vol. 397
Diacylglycerols and Lysophosphatidic Acid, Enriched on Lipoprotein(a), Contribute to Monocyte Inflammation Kim E. Dzobo, Arjen J. Cupido, Barend M. Mol, Lotte C.A. Stiekema, Miranda Versloot, Maaike Winkelmeijer, Jorge Peter, Anne Marije Pennekamp, Stefan R. Havik, Frédéric M. Vaz, Michel Van Weeghel, Koen H.M. Prange, Johannes H.M. Levels, Menno P.J. De Winther, Sotirios Tsimikas, Albert K. Groen, Erik S.G. Stroes, Dominique P.V. De Kleijn, Jeffrey Kroon
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 2024, vol. 44, p.720-740
Blood biomarkers for the differentiation between central and peripheral vertigo in the emergency department Vincent W Klokman, Fiona N Koningstein, Job W W Dors, Marieke S Sanders, Sam W Koning, Dominique P V de Kleijn, Kim E Jie
Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, 2024, vol. 31, p.371-385
Predictors of bleeding complications during catHeter-dirEcted thrombolysis for peripheral arterial occlusions (POCHET) Barend M. Mol, Maarten C. Verwer, Rob Fijnheer, Jasper Florie, Oscar A. Groot, Falco Hietbrink, Mathilde Nijkeuter, Evert Jan P.A. Vonken, Vincent van Weel, Dominique P.V. de Kleijn, Gert J. de Borst,
PLoS ONE, 2024, vol. 19