Dineke Koek

Associate Professor

Strategic program(s):

Research groups

Geriatrics and vascular disease

Research aim

Our aim is to improve diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for older patients with vascular disease, particularly patients with heart failure or vascular calcifications of the brain. We study optimalisation of pharmacotherapy and advanced therapies.

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Recent publications

DeltaScan for the Assessment of Acute Encephalopathy and Delirium in ICU and non-ICU Patients, a Prospective Cross-Sectional Multicenter Validation Study Fienke L Ditzel, Suzanne C A Hut, Mark van den Boogaard, Michel Boonstra, Frans S S Leijten, Evert-Jan Wils, Tim van Nesselrooij, Marjan Kromkamp, Paul J T Rood, Christian Röder, Paul F Bouvy, Michiel Coesmans, Robert Jan Osse, Monica Pop-Purceleanu, Edwin van Dellen, Jaap W M Krulder, Koen Milisen, Richard Faaij, Ariël M Vondeling, Ad M Kamper, Barbara C van Munster, Annemarieke de Jonghe, Marian A M Winters, Jeanette van der Ploeg, Sanneke van der Zwaag, Dineke H L Koek, Clara A C Drenth-van Maanen, Albertus Beishuizen, Deirdre M van den Bos, Wiepke Cahn, Ewoud Schuit, Arjen J C Slooter
The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 2023, vol. 32, p.1093-1104
Amount and Distribution of Intracranial Calcification in Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Primary Familial Brain Calcification Nienke M S Golüke, Enrico Meijer, Emiel A van Maren, Annemarieke de Jonghe, Mariëlle H Emmelot-Vonk, Evelien van Valen, Pim A de Jong, Huiberdina L Koek
Neurology: Clinical Practice, 2023, vol. 13