Profile photo Diederik van Dijk

Diederik van Dijk

Full Professor

Strategic program(s):


Diederik van Dijk is an epidemiologist and anaesthesiologist-intensivist. His research focuses on outcomes after cardiac surgery and intensive care admission, and he has multiple publications in NEJM, JAMA, Circulation and Anesthesiology. In the Octopus trial, he demonstrated that cognitive decline may also occur after cardiac surgery without heartlung-machine. Another multicenter trial supervised by Van Dijk failed to show any benefits of epidural anesthesia in cardiac surgery patients. A more recent trial in 4,500 cardiac surgery patients, evaluating prophylactic intraoperative dexamethasone showed multiple benefits of this drug in patients younger than 75 yrs of age. In 2012, Van Dijk was appointed professor of Intensive Care medicine. Since 2021, he is chair of the department of intensive care at the UMC Utrecht.

Strategic program(s):


Recent publications

Welke tachtigplussers profiteren van intensive care? Diederik van Dijk, Lenneke E.M. van Lelyveld-Haas, Bernard G. Fikkers
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 2024, vol. 168
Prophylactic corticosteroids on postoperative neurocognitive dysfunction and Dexamethasone for Cardiac Surgery (DECS) trial Thomas H. Ottens, Jan M. Dieleman, Anne Mette C. Sauer, Diederik Van Dijk
Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, 2024, vol. 68, p.841
Clinical decision making for VA ECMO weaning in patients with cardiogenic shock A formative qualitative study J. A.J. Hermens, J. A. van Til, C. L. Meuwese, D. van Dijk, D. W. Donker
Perfusion, 2024, vol. 39, p.39S-48S
Octopus follow-up Yvonne Koop, Hendrik Nathoe, Michiel Bots, Diederick E Grobbee, Marijke Timmermans, Raymond H Wimmers, Monica Gianoli, Diederik van Dijk, Ilonca Vaartjes,
International Journal of Cardiology, 2024, vol. 414
European Society of Intensive Care Medicine guidelines on end of life and palliative care in the intensive care unit Jozef Kesecioglu, Katerina Rusinova, Daniela Alampi, Yaseen M Arabi, Julie Benbenishty, Dominique Benoit, Carole Boulanger, Maurizio Cecconi, Christopher Cox, Marjel van Dam, Diederik van Dijk, James Downar, Nikolas Efstathiou, Ruth Endacott, Alessandro Galazzi, Fiona van Gelder, Rik T Gerritsen, Armand Girbes, Laura Hawyrluck, Margaret Herridge, Jan Hudec, Nancy Kentish-Barnes, Monika Kerckhoffs, Jos M Latour, Jan Malaska, Annachiara Marra, Stephanie Meddick-Dyson, Spyridon Mentzelopoulos, Mervyn Mer, Victoria Metaxa, Andrej Michalsen, Rajesh Mishra, Giovanni Mistraletti, Margo van Mol, Rui Moreno, Judith Nelson, Andrea Ortiz Suñer, Natalie Pattison, Tereza Prokopova, Kathleen Puntillo, Kathryn Puxty, Samah Al Qahtani, Lukas Radbruch, Emilio Rodriguez-Ruiz, Ron Sabar, Stefan J Schaller, Shahla Siddiqui, Charles L Sprung, Michele Umbrello, Marco Vergano, Massimo Zambon, Marieke Zegers, Michael Darmon, Elie Azoulay
Intensive Care Medicine, 2024, vol. 50, p.1740-1766
Systematic reviews and consensus definitions for the Standardised Endpoints in Perioperative Medicine (StEP) initiative Alexander I.R. Jackson, Oliver Boney, Rupert M. Pearse, Andrea Kurz, D. James Cooper, Wilton van Klei, Luca Cabrini, Timothy E. Miller, S. Ramani Moonesinghe, Paul Myles, Michael P.W. Grocott, Paul Myles, T. J. Gan, Phil Peyton, Dan Sessler, Martin Tramèr, Alan Cyna, Gildasio S. De Oliveira, Christopher Wu, Mark Jensen, Henrik Kehlet, Mari Botti, Guy Haller, Mike Grocott, Tim Cook, Lee Fleisher, Mark Neuman, David Story, Russell Gruen, Sam Bampoe, Lis Evered, David Scott, Brendan Silbert, Diederik van Dijk, Cor Kalkman, Matthew Chan, Hilary Grocott, Rod Eckenhoff, Lars Rasmussen, Lars Eriksson, Scott Beattie, Duminda Wijeysundera, Giovanni Landoni, Kate Leslie, Bruce Biccard, Simon Howell, Peter Nagele, Toby Richards, Stefan Dieleman, Wilton van Klei,
British Journal of Anaesthesia, 2023, vol. 130, p.404-411

Fellowships & Awards

Clinical Scholar Research Award, provided by the International Anesthesia Research Society

Personal grant for cardiothoracic fellowship at the Royal Infirmary Edinburgh, provided by the European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiologists

Mid-career Grant, provided by the Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists

External positions

kerngroeplid werkgroep Passende Zorg - overleg over bevorderen van passende IC zorg in Nederland - NVIC

voorzitter richtlijncommissie Passende IC Zorg - voorzitten van de werkgroep die een landelijke richtlijn Passende Zorg zal maken - NVIC