Profile photo Daphne Weemering

Daphne Weemering

PHD Candidate - OIO

Recent publications

Living systematic review and comprehensive network meta-analysis of ALS clinical trials Floris T. Van Loon, Georgios Seitidis, Dimitris Mavridis, Jordi W.J. van Unnik, Daphne N. Weemering, Leonard H. van den Berg, Ilianna Bethani, Stavros Nikolakopoulos, Ruben P.A. van Eijk
BMJ Open, 2024, vol. 14
Trial Participation in Neurodegenerative Diseases Daphne N. Weemering, Anita Beelen, Tessa Kliest, Lucie A.G. van Leeuwen, Leonard H. van den Berg, Ruben P.A. van Eijk
Neurology, 2024, vol. 103