Associate Professor
Strategic program(s):
Dr Creemers studied Biomedical Sciences in Leiden and has worked in several research areas, including spermatogenic stem cells, (periodontal) ligament, tendon and bone. Since 2005 her focus is on cartilage and intervertebral disc research with a special interest in biomaterials-based local delivery approaches for regeneration and treatment of inflammation. Delivery includes small molecules, proteins, peptides and nucleic acids, research approaches involve biological effects, pharmacokinetics and imaging,using in vitro and in vivo models, the latter in close collaboration with the dept of Companion Animals at the Fac Veterinary Medicine. She is author on over 90 peer-reviewed publications and has in the past years been involved in several projects on local delivery, including BMM IdiDAS (9.2 M€; PI) targeting disc degeneration, BMM-OAcontrol on osteoarthritis and LSH –ArIADNE (1.2 M€;PI), where local delivery of anti-inflammatory mediators in osteoarthritis and intervertebral disc degeneration is further being taken towards clinical translation. In addition she is involved in H2020 ITN-TargetCaRe on targeted delivery in intervertebral disc and cartilage regeneration.
Co-awardee ‘Mathijsen award’ to R Custers (2011) and KG Auw Yang (2009) by the Dutch Orthopaedic Society for the best PhD thesis