Profile photo Constanza Andaur Navarro

Constanza Andaur Navarro

Assistant Professor


Dr. Constanza Andaur Navarro is an Assistant Professor in Department of Data Science and Biostatistics at the Julius Center, University Medical Centre Utrecht, the Netherlands. Her research focuses on Real-World Data, with a particular interest in developing methodologies and tools to assure data is ‘fit-for-purpose’ and can generate fast-paced, robust evidence.

Constanza obtained her PhD in Epidemiology from Utrecht University on a thesis about the Quality of Machine Learning Models, where she investigated how well models based on Machine Learning can be transportable to clinical settings. Soon after, she joined the Real-World-Evidence group at the Department of Data Science and Biostatistics to work as a researcher in ConcePTION (, a European public-private partnership to accelerate the evidence regarding medicines’ safety during pregnancy and lactation. She also co-led WP7 on “Information and data governance, ethics, technology, data catalogue and quality”. 

In addition to her academic work, Constanza collaborates with industry partners and regulators to translate research into policy, including post-authorization safety studies on COVID vaccines and medicines through VAC4EU, a European collaboration to carry on studies on vaccines safety ( She has published extensively in high impact journals and regularly presents at international conferences (

Beyond her academic responsibilities, Constanza is passionate about teaching and mentoring. She teaches courses on Real-World-Evidence for statisticians and Using Data from Routine Care for data scientists and supervises both master and PhD students.

Research groups

Real World Evidence group

Research aim

The Real-World Evidence group at the University Medical Center Utrecht has the vision that we should generate best evidence from real world data in a learning health care system.

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Recent publications

Insight Vjola Hoxhaj, Constanza L Andaur Navarro, Judit Riera-Arnau, Roel J H J Elbers, Ema Alsina, Caitlin Dodd, Miriam C J M Sturkenboom
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 2025, vol. 34
Spin-pm Constanza L Andaur Navarro, Johanna Aa Damen, Mona Ghannad, Paula Dhiman, Maarten van Smeden, Johannes B Reitsma, Gary S Collins, Richard D Riley, Karel Gm Moons, Lotty Hooft
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2024, vol. 170
Dementia prediction in the general population using clinically accessible variables Emma L Twait, Constanza L Andaur Navarro, Vilmunur Gudnason, Yi-Han Hu, Lenore J Launer, Mirjam I Geerlings
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 2023, vol. 23
Systematic review finds "Spin" practices and poor reporting standards in studies on machine learning-based prediction models Constanza L. Andaur Navarro, Johanna A.A. Damen, Toshihiko Takada, Steven W.J. Nijman, Paula Dhiman, Jie Ma, Gary S. Collins, Ram Bajpai, Richard D. Riley, Karel G.M. Moons, Lotty Hooft
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2023, vol. 158, p.99-110
Overinterpretation of findings in machine learning prediction model studies in oncology Paula Dhiman, Jie Ma, Constanza L Andaur Navarro, Benjamin Speich, Garrett Bullock, Johanna AA Damen, Lotty Hooft, Shona Kirtley, Richard D Riley, Ben Van Calster, Karel Gm Moons, Gary S Collins
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2023, vol. 157, p.120-133