Profile photo Coco de Koning

Coco de Koning


Strategic program(s):


My research focuses on thymus sero-immunology, since I believe that this is one of the most important yet understudied fields in immunology. My long-term research interest involves understanding thymus function in maintaining health and after thymic injury, as due to (cancer)therapies, infections, or aging. In the short-term, I specifically aim to better understand the role of the human thymic secretome in immunology and how this underevaluated thymus function affects thymopoiesis recovery after hematopoietic cell transplantation. Trained as an applied immunologist (Ph.D. dissertation, SMBWO-certification) with both laboratory and computational skills, I am a translational researcher uniquely equipped to investigate thymus immunology with a vision for clinical impact of my research. 

Recent publications

Effect of clofarabine and fludarabine exposure on outcome after pediatric allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation Linde Dekker, Coco de Koning, Laura Nijstad, Kim van der Elst, Rick Admiraal, Birgitta Versluijs, Jaap-Jan Boelens, Alwin Huitema, Caroline Lindemans, Stefan Nierkens
Blood Neoplasia, 2024, vol. 1