Profile photo Chris van Lieshout

Chris van Lieshout

Assistant Professor

Strategic program(s):


I am a researcher of health economics at the department of Epidemiology and Health Economics at the Julius Center, UMCU. In general and since the start of my scientific career, my research focusses on early health economic evaluations. Currently my research focusses on the methodology of early health economic analyses alongside early phase adaptive trials within Oncode Accelerator. Next to my work at Oncode Accelerator, I am involved in several health economic evaluation projects in oncology.  Previously I was involved in The Healthcare Innovation Center (THINC) at the Julius Center as a researcher in health economic evaluations.  

I completed my master of sciences in Health Sciences at the University of Twente. I conducted the research for my thesis at the Netherlands Cancer Institute Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (NKI-AVL) in Amsterdam focussing on the health technology assessment of HIPEC added to cytoreductive surgery in patients with state III ovarian cancer. Before starting my masters I completed my bachelor of science in Health Sciences at the University of Twente as well. My bachelorthesis was about the diagnositc properties of enzym based diagnostics in diabetic foot ulcers. 

Strategic program(s):


Recent publications

Economic evaluations in medical technological innovations a mapping review of methodologies C van Lieshout, G W J Frederix, L Schoonhoven
Cost effectiveness and resource allocation [E], 2024, vol. 22
Cost-Effectiveness of a Multidisciplinary Lifestyle-Enhancing Treatment for Inpatients with Severe Mental Illness Jeroen Deenik, Chris Van Lieshout, Harold F. Van Driel, Geert W.J. Frederix, Ingrid J.M. Hendriksen, Peter N. Van Harten, Diederik E. Tenback
Schizophrenia Bulletin Open, 2022, vol. 3
Krankenhauskosten und gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität bei Patienten mit Delir Chris van Lieshout, Ewoud Schuit, Carsten Hermes, Matthew Kerrigan, Geert W J Frederix
Zeitschrift fur Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen, 2022, vol. 169, p.28-38
Advanced image-supported lead placement in cardiac resynchronisation therapy Philippe C Wouters, Chris van Lieshout, Vincent F van Dijk, Peter-Paul Hm Delnoy, Pieter Afm Doevendans, Maarten J Cramer, Geert Wj Frederix, Frebus J van Slochteren, Mathias Meine
BMJ Open, 2021, vol. 11, p.1-8
Cerebrospinal fluid leakage costs after craniotomy and health economic assessment of incidence reduction from a hospital perspective in the Netherlands Chris van Lieshout, Emma M H Slot, Ahmet Kinaci, Mare H Kollen, Eelco W Hoving, Geert W J Frederix, Tristan P C van Doormaal
BMJ Open, 2021, vol. 11
Accuracy of approximations to recover incompletely reported logistic regression models depended on other available information Toshihiko Takada, Jeroen Hoogland, Chris van Lieshout, Ewoud Schuit, Gary S Collins, Karel G M Moons, Johannes B Reitsma
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2021, vol. 143, p.81-90