Caren van Kammen

Research Analyst

Recent publications

Assessment of feto-placental oxygenation and perfusion in a rat model of placental insufficiency using T2* mapping and 3D dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI Fatimah M. Al Darwish, Bram F. Coolen, Caren M. van Kammen, Lindy K. Alles, Judith de Vos, Raymond M. Schiffelers, Titia A. Lely, Gustav J. Strijkers, Fieke Terstappen
Placenta, 2024, vol. 151, p.19-25
Nanomedicines C M van Kammen, S J van Woudenberg, R Schiffelers, F Terstappen, A T Lely
Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society, 2023, vol. 360, p.57-68
Intranasal mesenchymal stem cell therapy to boost myelination after encephalopathy of prematurity Josine E.G. Vaes, Caren M. van Kammen, Chloe Trayford, Annette van der Toorn, Torben Ruhwedel, Manon J.N.L. Benders, Rick M. Dijkhuizen, Wiebke Möbius, Sabine H. van Rijt, Cora H. Nijboer
GLIA, 2020, vol. 69, p.655-680
Combined fetal inflammation and postnatal hypoxia causes myelin deficits and autism-like behavior in a rat model of diffuse white matter injury Erik van Tilborg, E J Marijke Achterberg, Caren M van Kammen, Annette van der Toorn, Floris Groenendaal, Rick M Dijkhuizen, Cobi J Heijnen, Louk J M J Vanderschuren, Manon N J L Benders, Cora H A Nijboer
GLIA, 2018, vol. 66, p.78-93
A quantitative method for microstructural analysis of myelinated axons in the injured rodent brain E van Tilborg, Caren M van Kammen, CGM de Theije, Maurits P.A. van Meer, RM Dijkhuizen, CHA Nijboer
Scientific Reports, 2017, vol. 7