Guideline for management of non-Down syndrome neonates with a myeloproliferative disease on behalf of the I-BFM AML Study Group and EWOG-MDS
Eline J M Bertrums, C Michel Zwaan, Daisuke Hasegawa, Valerie De Haas, Dirk N Reinhardt, Franco Locatelli, Barbara De Moerloose, Michael Dworzak, Arjan Buijs, Petr Smisek, Alexandra Kolenova, Cornelis Jan Pronk, Jan-Henning Klusmann, Ana Carboné, Alina Ferster, Evangelia Antoniou, Soheil Meshinchi, Susana C Raimondi, Charlotte M Niemeyer, Henrik Hasle, Marry M Van den Heuvel-Eibrink, Bianca F Goemans
Haematologica, 2021, vol. 107, p.759-764