
Assistant Professor - medical

Recent publications

Prognostic factors for multi-organ dysfunction in pediatric oncology patients admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit Marijn Soeteman, Marta F Fiocco, Joppe Nijman, Casper W Bollen, Maartje M Marcelis, Ellen Kilsdonk, Edward E S Nieuwenhuis, Teus H Kappen, Wim J E Tissing, Roelie M Wösten-van Asperen
Frontiers in oncology, 2023, vol. 13
Continuous Data-Driven Monitoring in Critical Congenital Heart Disease Ruben S. Zoodsma, Rian Bosch, Thomas Alderliesten, Casper W. Bollen, Teus H. Kappen, Erik Koomen, Arno Siebes, Joppe Nijman
JMIR Cardio, 2023, vol. 7
The atonic stomach P. R. van Urk, C. W. Bollen, M. H. Lequin, M. C. Kruyt
Spine Deformity, 2022, vol. 10, p.965-967
Towards a European NICU and PICU data sharing framework: an ESPNIC initiative. Erik Koomen, Elizabeth Draper, CW Bollen, Ronald Petru, Luregn J. Schlapbach, Joppe Nijman
The effect of a decision support system on the incidence of prescription errors in a PICU Fatema Hashemi, Thomas G. van Gelder, Casper W. Bollen, Yves T.B. Liem, Toine C.G. Egberts
Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 2021, vol. 47, p.330-344
Machine learning on Pediatric Intensive Care datasets to improve mortality prediction models. Berend de Jong, Jesse H. Krijthe, CW Bollen, Erik Koomen, Teus Kappen, Joppe Nijman