Profile photo Marco Boks

Marco Boks

Associate Professor - medical

Strategic program(s):


Genetic, epigenetic and epidemiological studies of Gene- Environment interplay

The main theme of my research is how our genetic background shapes the influence of the environmental risk for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. 

 The idea that psychiatric disorders develop as a result of the interaction between genes and environment is generally supported. However methodological challenges of such studies have limited large scale genome wide efforts. Therefore studies that focus on the interaction between environmental risk and genetic background remain timely and necessary.

 However such genetic studies do not take into account  a more subtle but highly relevant molecular mechanisms of interactions between environment and genes that recently is identified as a key mechanism of adaptation. These mechanisms, referred to as epigenetics, are extensive and complex and to date not fully understood. Central to our understanding is that epigenetic mechanisms influences transcription of DNA by modifying access to the DNA sequences. What makes this line of research extra interesting is the potential for pharmaceutical manipulation.

To focus these studies we have chosen cannabis and trauma as a main environmental exposure. 

Specialties: Psychiatry, epigenetics, genetics, bio-informatics


Strategic program(s):


Recent publications

Generalizability of findings from four clinical cohort studies and a general population study to patients with bipolar I disorder in outpatient treatment in the Netherlands Joannes W. Renes, Ralph W. Kupka, Willem A. Nolen, Margreet ten Have, Afra van der Markt, Marco P.M. Boks, Eline J. Regeer
International journal of bipolar disorders, 2025, vol. 13
Blood-based DNA methylation and exposure risk scores predict PTSD with high accuracy in military and civilian cohorts Agaz H. Wani, Seyma Katrinli, Xiang Zhao, Nikolaos P. Daskalakis, Anthony S. Zannas, Allison E. Aiello, Dewleen G. Baker, Marco P. Boks, Leslie A. Brick, Chia Yen Chen, Shareefa Dalvie, Catherine Fortier, Elbert Geuze, Jasmeet P. Hayes, Ronald C. Kessler, Anthony P. King, Nastassja Koen, Israel Liberzon, Adriana Lori, Jurjen J. Luykx, Adam X. Maihofer, William Milberg, Mark W. Miller, Mary S. Mufford, Nicole R. Nugent, Sheila Rauch, Kerry J. Ressler, Victoria B. Risbrough, Bart P.F. Rutten, Dan J. Stein, Murray B. Stein, Robert J. Ursano, Mieke H. Verfaellie, Eric Vermetten, Christiaan H. Vinkers, Erin B. Ware, Derek E. Wildman, Erika J. Wolf, Caroline M. Nievergelt, Mark W. Logue, Alicia K. Smith, Monica Uddin
BMC Medical Genomics, 2024, vol. 17
Blood-based DNA methylation and exposure risk scores predict PTSD with high accuracy in military and civilian cohorts Agaz Wani, Seyma Katrinli, Xiang Zhao, Nikolaos Daskalakis, Anthony Zannas, Allison Aiello, Dewleen Baker, Marco Boks, Leslie Brick, Chia-Yen Chen, Shareefa Dalvie, Catherine Fortier, Elbert Geuze, Jasmeet Hayes, Ronald Kessler, Anthony King, Nastassja Koen, Israel Liberzon, Adriana Lori, Jurjen Luykx, Adam Maihofer, William Milberg, Mark Miller, Mary Mufford, Nicole Nugent, Sheila Rauch, Kerry Ressler, Victoria Risbrough, Bart Rutten, Dan Stein, Murrary Stein, Robert Ursano, Mieke Verfaellie, Erin Ware, Derek Wildman, Erika Wolf, Caroline Nievergelt, Mark Logue, Alicia Smith, Monica Uddin, Eric Vermetten, Christiaan Vinkers
Fibroblasts as an in vitro model of circadian genetic and genomic studies Marcelo Francia, Merel Bot, Toni Boltz, Juan F De la Hoz, Marco Boks, René Kahn, Roel Ophoff
Identifying genetic differences between bipolar disorder and major depression through multiple GWAS Georgia Panagiotaropoulou, Kajsa-Lotta Georgii Hellberg, Jonathan R I Coleman, Darsol Seok, Janos Kalman, Philip B Mitchell, Peter R Schofield, Andreas J Forstner, Michael Bauer, Laura J Scott, Carlos N Pato, Michele T Pato, Qingqin S Li, George Kirov, Mikael Landén, Lina Jonsson, Bertram Müller-Myhsok, Jordan W Smoller, Elisabeth B Binder, Tanja M Brückl, Darina Czamara, Sandra Van der Auwera, Hans J Grabe, Georg Homuth, Carsten O Schmidt, James B Potash, Raymond J DePaulo, Fernando S Goes, Dean F MacKinnon, Francis M Mondimore, Myrna M Weissman, Jianxin Shi, Mark A Frye, Joanna M Biernacka, Andreas Reif, Stephanie H Witt, René R Kahn, Marco M Boks, Michael J Owen, Katherine Gordon-Smith, Brittany L Mitchell, Nicholas G Martin, Sarah E Medland, Lisa Jones, James A Knowles, Douglas F Levinson, Michael C O'Donovan, Cathryn M Lewis, Gerome Breen, Roel Ophoff,
Genome-wide association analyses identify 95 risk loci and provide insights into the neurobiology of post-traumatic stress disorder Caroline M. Nievergelt, Adam X. Maihofer, Elizabeth G. Atkinson, Chia Yen Chen, Karmel W. Choi, Jonathan R.I. Coleman, Nikolaos P. Daskalakis, Laramie E. Duncan, Renato Polimanti, Cindy Aaronson, Ananda B. Amstadter, Soren B. Andersen, Ole A. Andreassen, Paul A. Arbisi, Allison E. Ashley-Koch, S. Bryn Austin, Esmina Avdibegoviç, Dragan Babić, Silviu Alin Bacanu, Dewleen G. Baker, Anthony Batzler, Jean C. Beckham, Sintia Belangero, Corina Benjet, Carisa Bergner, Linda M. Bierer, Joanna M. Biernacka, Laura J. Bierut, Jonathan I. Bisson, Marco P. Boks, Elizabeth A. Bolger, Amber Brandolino, Gerome Breen, Rodrigo Affonseca Bressan, Richard A. Bryant, Angela C. Bustamante, Jonas Bybjerg-Grauholm, Marie Bækvad-Hansen, Anders D. Børglum, Sigrid Børte, Leah Cahn, Joseph R. Calabrese, Jose Miguel Caldas-de-Almeida, Chris Chatzinakos, Elbert Geuze, Jurjen J. Luykx, Bart P.F. Rutten, Eric Vermetten, Christiaan H. Vinkers, Murray B. Stein,
Nature Genetics, 2024, vol. 56, p.792-808

Fellowships & Awards

1:  NARSAD Young Investigator Award 2010
2: Semel Institute of Neuroscience, 2009 Phenomics Travel Award