Profile photo Ronald Bleys

Ronald Bleys

Full Professor

Strategic program(s):


Ronald L.A.W. Bleys (1959) graduated as MD in 1986 at Utrecht University. He has been working as an anatomist at the medical faculty of Utrecht University (now: University Medical Center Utrecht) since 1987. In 1995 he received his PhD degree on the thesis “Innervation of the basal cerebral arteries: pathways and densities”. Part of this research had been performed at the department of anatomy of the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine in London, UK. In 1999 he became registered as medical morphological investigator by the Foundation for Biomedical Scientific Research Training (SMBWO). He became head of department of Anatomy in 2000 and full professor of Clinical Anatomy in 2012.

His recent research work has focused on the interactions between the vascular system and the autonomic nervous system. More specifically, he is investigating the role of the autonomic nervous system in the regulation of inflammatory responses. Furthermore in collaboration with clinicians of especially surgical disciplines he has been participating in clinical anatomical research projects, with special focus on esophageal cancer surgery. 

He is an allround anatomist with an enormous teaching experience, including training of medical residents and specialists. His department has become a centre of excellence for postgraduate anatomical training in the Netherlands and hosts well known international courses. His own specialty is the head and neck region. He is also involved in teaching innovations, one of them being the development and implementation of virtual 3D anatomical models. 

Recent publications

The Ability to Sustain Facial Expressions Hilde Schutte, Freek Bielevelt, Hafsa Emohamadian, Marvick S.M. Muradin, Ronald L.A.W. Bleys, Antoine J.W.P. Rosenberg
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 2024, vol. 35, p.799-803
The masseteric nerve for facial reanimation Andreas Kehrer, Simon Engelmann, Leonard Knoedler, Silvan M. Klein, Alexandra M. Anker, Paul Heidekrueger, Ernst Tamm, Ronald LAW Bleys, Lukas Prantl, Marc Ruewe
Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, 2024, vol. 52, p.8-13
The legal and ethical framework governing body donation in Europe – 2nd update on current practice Erich Brenner, Ronald L.A.W. Bleys, Raffaele de Caro, Ilia Catereniuc, Andy R.M. Chirculescu, Christophe Destrieux, Elisabeth Eppler, Luis Filgueira, David Kachlik, Péter Kiss, Clive Lee, Niki Matveeva, Konstantinos Natsis, Diogo Pais, Friedrich Paulsen, Maria Piagkou, Fabio Quondamatteo, Dóra Reglődi, Erdoğan Şendemir, Jørgen Tranum-Jensen, Janina Tutkuviene, María Teresa Vázquez Osorio
Annals of Anatomy, 2024, vol. 252
New method for analysing spatial relationships of facial muscles on MRI H. Schutte, F. Bielevelt, M. S.M. Muradin, R. L.A.W. Bleys, A. J.W.P. Rosenberg
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2024, vol. 53, p.731-738
The apron of the greater omentum of gastric cancer patients contains various lymphoid structures including lymph nodes B. Schurink, C. G.J. Cleypool, L. A.A. Brosens, J. P. Ruurda, Claire Mackaaij, T. A.P. Roeling, R. van Hillegersberg, R. L.A.W. Bleys
Translational Research in Anatomy, 2023, vol. 31
The average three-dimensional face for different sex and age groups in a Dutch population H. Schutte, M. S.M. Muradin, F. Bielevelt, N. G. Janssen, R. L.A.W. Bleys, A. J.W.P. Rosenberg
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2023, vol. 52, p.906-914