Profile photo Arief Lalmohamed

Arief Lalmohamed

Associate Professor

Strategic program(s):


Arief Lalmohamed (1986) obtained his Master of Science in Pharmacy in 2010 (cum laude) at Utrecht University. He was awarded a personal NWO Mosaic grant (€ 200,000) and completed his PhD in 2014 (cum laude) at the Division of Pharmacoepidemiology and Clinical Pharmacology at Utrecht University ('Complications of hip and knee replacement surgery: a pharmacoepidemiologic approach'), in close collaboration with the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA, UK), Aarhus University (Denmark) and Oxford University (UK). During his PhD, Arief was trained as a clinical pharmacologist (University Medical Center Utrecht) and an epidemiologist (University Medical Center Utrecht & McGill University Canada). In 2017, he completed his training as a clinical pharmacist at the hospital pharmacy of University Medical Center Utrecht.

Since 2016, he is head of the Clinical Drug Trials department of Pharmacy (UMC Utrecht) and is responsible for clinical pharmacological and specialized pharmeutical input in yearly 300+ clinical drug trials. In 2021, he was appointed as associate professor of pharmacoepidemiology and supervises six PhD students. He is member of the Medical Ethical Research Committee (METC) and has reviewed over 100 clinical study protocols.

He has a keen interest in education and holds a teaching position at the School of Pharmacy (Utrecht University) since 2017. He is chair of the MSc Oncology course, has co-developed the interprofessional learning platform at UMC Utrecht / Utrecht University, holds a Basic Teaching Certificate (BKO) and is actively involved in several postgraduate courses. He was nominated for several teaching and best MSc Pharmacy course awards. 

His research is focused on clinical pharmacoepidemiology, in particular real world safety and efficacy of licensed drugs and drug repurposing (i.e., identifying novel therapeutic uses for licensed drugs) within the clinical fields of 'Infection and Immunity' and 'Cancer'. He is (co)author of >50 publications in international peer reviewed scientific journals. Examples include chemotherapy dose individualization in stem cell transplantations and safety / efficacy of drugs in immuno(oncological) diseases. 

Research groups

Clinical pharmacy research

Research aim

The mission of the clinical pharmacy program is to explain, predict and improve patients’ response to pharmacotherapeutic treatment using clinical pharmacological and clinical pharmacoepidemiological approaches.

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Recent publications

The risk of delirium after sedation with propofol or midazolam in intensive care unit patients Thomas G van Gelder, Irene J van Diem-Zaal, Sandra M A Dijkstra-Kersten, Nikki de Mul, Arief Lalmohamed, Arjen J C Slooter
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2024, vol. 90, p.1471-1479
Association of busulfan exposure and outcomes after HCT for patients with an inborn error of immunity Tim Bognàr, Moises Garcia-Rosa, Arief Lalmohamed, Tayfun Güngör, Mathias Hauri-Hohl, Susan Prockop, Layne Oram, Sung Yun Pai, Jordan Brooks, Rada M. Savic, Christopher C. Dvorak, Janel R. Long-Boyle, Maja Krajinovic, Henrique Bittencourt, Anne Charlotte Teyssier, Yves Théoret, Cary Martinez, Toine C.G. Egberts, Erin Morales, Mary Slatter, Geoffrey D.E. Cuvelier, Robert Chiesa, Robert F. Wynn, Mary Coussons, Maria P. Cicalese, Marc Ansari, Susan E. Long, Christen L. Ebens, Hannah Lust, Sonali Chaudhury, Christa E. Nath, Peter J. Shaw, Steven J. Keogh, M. Y.C.Eileen van der Stoep, Robbert Bredius, Caroline A. Lindemans, Jaap Jan Boelens, Imke H. Bartelink
Blood Advances, 2024, vol. 8, p.5137-5145
No detrimental association between antibiotic use and immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy Marjolein Metselaar-Albers, Irma Meijerman, Ferdi Engels, John Haanen, Jos Beijnen, Arief Lalmohamed
Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer, 2024, vol. 12, p.1-8
Busulfan exposure target attainment in adults undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation T Bognàr, I H Imke Bartelink, K C M van der Elst, J S Kingma, E H Smeijsters, C A Caroline Lindemans, A C G Toine Egberts, J H E Kuball, M A de Witte, A H M de Vries Schultink, A Lalmohamed
Transplantation and Cellular Therapy, 2024, vol. 30, p.1007.e1-1007.e10
A Population Pharmacokinetic Study to Evaluate Doxorubicin Exposure Across All Age Groups Ma Ida Mohmaed Ali, A Laura Nijstad, René J Boosman, Marie-Rose B S Crombag, Shelby Barnett, Gareth J Veal, Arief Lalmohamed, Nielka P van Erp, Neeltje Steeghs, C Michel Zwaan, Jos H Beijnen, Hinke Siebinga, Alwin D R Huitema
Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 2024, vol. 63, p.1711-1722
De invloed van colchicine op de bloedstolling bij patienten met chronische coronaire aandoeningen die vitamine K-antagonisten gebruiken Jeroen Houwen, Jochem Zwaan, Toine Egberts, Michiel Duyvendak, Arief Lalmohamed, Aernoud Fiolet, Arend Mosterd
Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 2024, vol. 159, p.23-28

External positions

docent - docent Master Farmacie - UU, departement Farmaceutische Wetenschappen