Associate Professor
Strategic program(s):
Ardine (G.A.) de Wit (1965) finished her studies of Health Sciences at Maastricht University (major: Health care policy and health economics) in 1989. Since graduation, she has been working as a researcher in the field of economic evaluation of health care and prevention, including research on health related quality of life measurement. She obtained a PhD of Erasmus University Rotterdam (thesis “Economic evaluation of end-stage renal disease treatment”, 2002). In May 2008, she was appointed Associated Professor (part-time) Health Technology Assessment at the Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, University Medical Center Utrecht. She heads the sub-department of Health Technology Assessment. Furthermore, since 1998 she holds an appointment as senior health economist at the National Institute of Public Health in the Netherlands (RIVM). Since 1993, she has been teaching economic evaluation methodology in several national and international courses. She is the course coordinator of the annual MSc specialty course on Methodology of Health economic evaluation.