Profile photo Annet van Royen-Kerkhof

Annet van Royen-Kerkhof

Full Professor

Strategic program(s):


Dr A. van Royen-Kerkhof is senior consultant in Pediatric Immunology and Rheumatology at the department of Pediatric Immunolgy an Rheumatology of the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital Utrecht, the Netherlands. She obtained her MD degree in 1990 at the Medical School of the University of Utrecht. She was trained as a paediatrician from 1991-1996 In Utrecht and Eindhoven (Catharina Ziekenhuis) In 2002 she achieved her specialist degree in Pediatric Immunolgy and Rheumatology. In 2005 she finished her PhD thesis on “Fcg-receptors in the clinics”.
The main focus of her clinical work is on Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases, the research focus is on Juvenile Dermatomyositis.

Currently she is involved in the development of the Medical/Research Master programme SUMMA in the University Medical Center Utrecht (2016-present).

As a member of the Medical Ethical Committee she was involved in reviewing investigational protocols for research in children  and persons who are incapable of giving consent.

Currently she is involved in the national and international discussions on accessibility of (expensive) treatment in pediatric patients

Research groups

Life sciences education research

Research aim

We aim to develop adaptive, creative, responsible future health professionals by investigating learning in education and at workplaces. This leads to evidence-informed education and innovations that foster the health domain.

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Recent publications

Collaborative research in myositis-related disorders Lesley Ann Saketkoo, Julie J Paik, Helene Alexanderson, Mazen M Dimachkie, Floranne C Ernste, Elie Naddaf, Barbara Shafranski, Latika Gupta, Christopher A Mecoli, Didem Saygin, Jemima Albayda, Pari Basharat, Jessica A Day, Antonia Valenzuela, Rachel Bromley, Ingrid de Groot, Suzanne E Edison, Aviya Lanis, Christian Lood, Malin Regardt, Belina Y Yi, Alejandro C Benitez, Hector Chinoy, Lisa Christopher-Stine, David A Isenberg, Bianca Lang, Chester V Oddis, Annet van Royen, Jiri Vencovsky, Victoria P Werth, Pedro M Machado
Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, 2024, vol. 42, p.207-212
Humoral and cellular immunogenicity, effectiveness and safety of COVID-19 mRNA vaccination in patients with pediatric rheumatic diseases Mohamad Hamad Saied, Joeri W van Straalen, Sytze de Roock, Frans M Verduyn Lunel, Jelle de Wit, Lia G H de Rond, Erika Van Nieuwenhove, Bas J Vastert, Joris M van Montfrans, Annet van Royen-Kerkhof, Gerrie C J de Joode-Smink, Joost F Swart, Nico M Wulffraat, Marc H A Jansen
Vaccine, 2024, vol. 42, p.1145-1153
Performance of the 2016 ACR-EULAR myositis response criteria in juvenile dermatomyositis therapeutic trials and consensus profiles Hanna Kim, Didem Saygin, Christian Douglas, Jesse Wilkerson, Brian Erman, Angela Pistorio, John A. McGrath, Ann M. Reed, Chester V. Oddis, Claudia Bracaglia, Annet Van Royen-Kerkhof, Blanca Bica, Pavla Dolezalova, Virginia P.L. Ferriani, Berit Flato, Ana G. Bernard-Medina, Troels Herlin, Frederick W. Miller, Jiri Vencovsky, Nicolino Ruperto, Rohit Aggarwal, Lisa G. Rider, Iago Pinal-Fernandez, Susan Kim, Dana Ascherman, Adam Schiffenbauer
Rheumatology (United Kingdom), 2023, vol. 62, p.3680-3689
Biologicals for pediatric patients with atopic dermatitis Lisa P. van der Rijst, Annet van Royen-Kerkhof, Suzanne G.M.A. Pasmans, Renske Schappin, Marjolein S. de Bruin-Weller, Marlies de Graaf
Journal of Dermatological Treatment, 2023, vol. 34
Heterozygous Variants in the DNA-binding Domain of c-Myb May Affect Normal B/T Cell Development Bas M. Smits, Taila Hartley, Ester Dünnebach, Marije Bartels, Kim M. Boycott, Kirstin D. Kernohan, David A. Dyment, Jacques C. Giltay, Elie Haddad, Olga Jarinova, Joris Van Montfrans, Annet Van Royen-Kerkhof, Lars T. Van Der Veken, Moniek De Witte, Stefan Nierkens, Anne Pham-Huy, Helen L. Leavis
HemaSphere, 2022, vol. 6, p.E774
Cum laude in de master geneeskunde Franciska Koens, Annet van Royen-Kerkhof, Hester E.M. Daelmans
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 2022, vol. 166

Fellowships & Awards

2018: Cure JM grant USD 90.000,-

2017: KAISZ - bijdrage onderzoek naar vermoeidheid en pijn bij kinderen met auto-immuunsysteemziekten

External positions

consultant Pediatric Rheumatology, De Kinderkliniek Almere