Full Professor
Strategic program(s):
Dr A. van Royen-Kerkhof is senior consultant in Pediatric Immunology and Rheumatology at the department of Pediatric Immunolgy an Rheumatology of the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital Utrecht, the Netherlands. She obtained her MD degree in 1990 at the Medical School of the University of Utrecht. She was trained as a paediatrician from 1991-1996 In Utrecht and Eindhoven (Catharina Ziekenhuis) In 2002 she achieved her specialist degree in Pediatric Immunolgy and Rheumatology. In 2005 she finished her PhD thesis on “Fcg-receptors in the clinics”.
The main focus of her clinical work is on Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases, the research focus is on Juvenile Dermatomyositis.
Currently she is involved in the development of the Medical/Research Master programme SUMMA in the University Medical Center Utrecht (2016-present).
As a member of the Medical Ethical Committee she was involved in reviewing investigational protocols for research in children and persons who are incapable of giving consent.
Currently she is involved in the national and international discussions on accessibility of (expensive) treatment in pediatric patients
Research aim
We aim to develop adaptive, creative, responsible future health professionals by investigating learning in education and at workplaces. This leads to evidence-informed education and innovations that foster the health domain.
Go to group(Biomarkers voor ziekteactiviteit bij Juveniele Dermatomyositis)
Awards of AIO
Judith Wienke award Young Investigator Meeting EULAR/PReS, Rom4 Italy, June 9th 2015:
CXCL10, TNFR2 and Galectin-9 correlate with disease activity in Juvenile Dermatomyositis.
Member MCTC Steering committee - Advisory role in design of clinical trials to meet the needs of pediatric myositis patients - Myositis Clinical Trial Consortium
Lid Toetsingscommissie - Toetsvragen ontwerpen voor voortgangstoets in opleiding Kindergeneeskunde - Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kindergeneeskunde
Member EULAR-PAED Committee - Member working party to improve collaboration between EULAR and PReS on Rheumatic diseases - EULAR-PAED
Secretaris - Secretaris Landelijke interdisciplinaire werkgroep Myositis, verslaglegging, organisatie - Myositis Netwerk Nederland
Vice-chair - Internationale werkgroep voor diagnostiek en behandeling van Juveniele Dermatomyositis - SiG SHARE guidelines IMACS
Medisch Adviseur - Medisch advies over onderwerpen aangedragen door het stichtingsbestuur - DeBasstichting
Medisch Adviseur - Medisch advies over onderwerpen aangedragen door de werkgroep Myositis - Vereniging Spierziekten Nederland