Profile photo Annelies Verbon

Annelies Verbon

Full Professor

Strategic program(s):


Research Domains

Annelies Verbon worked as infectious disease specialist in both the Netherlands and the USA (Cleveland Clinic foundation). She is the chair of the Dutch association of Infectious Diseases specialists. Antibiotic stewardship: She published over 250 peer reviewed papers and was (co-)promotor of 20 PHD students. She was the lead of a previous JPI AMR funded grant AB-assistant and published many papers related to optimal use of antimicrobial drugs. Her research focuses on use of technical innovations such a computer assisted decision support systems (CDSS) and apps to improve antibiotic prescribing according to the guidelines. Criteraia for iv-oral antibiotic switch have been established and operationalized for a CDSS. Annelies is a member of several guideline committees on antibiotic use, among which the national antibiotic surveillance committee. She also participates in in the Netherland Center of One Health consortium and has started one health research on treatment of parasites and of bacterial infections with bacteriophages. In the UMC Utrecht she combines clinical patient care with research and management and the antibiotic stewardship team. HIV cure strategies: In a multidisciplinary research team ongoing studies of shock and kill strategies include screening of promising HDAC and BAF inhibitors in vitro and a clinical study.



Fellowship Infectious Diseases: 1998-1999, Academic Medical Center Amsterdam

MD-internal medicine: 1998, Academic Medical Center Amsterdam

Ph.D.: 1988-1992, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam


Employment and Professional Positions:

2021-current: Professor of Infectious Diseases and Chairman Department of Internal Medicine, UMC Utrecht

2014-2021: Professor of Infectious Diseases and Chairman Department of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam

2009-2014: Associate Professor and Chairman division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam

2002-2009: Associate Professor and and Chairman division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, Academic Hospital Maastricht, The Netherlands

1999-2002: Assistant Professor, Academic Medical Center Amsterdam


Research groups

HIV: Cure & comorbidity

Research aim

Optimizing the management of HIV-related comorbidities and developing cure strategies

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Recent publications

Acanthamoeba castellanii trophozoites need oxygen for normal functioning and lipids are their preferred substrate, offering new possibilities for treatment Maarten J. Sarink, Anna Z. Mykytyn, Aïsha Jedidi, Martin Houweling, Jos F. Brouwers, George Ruijter, Annelies Verbon, Jaap J. van Hellemond, Aloysius G.M. Tielens
International Journal for Parasitology, 2024, vol. 55, p.35-44
Characteristics and outcomes of COVID-19 patients admitted to hospital with and without respiratory symptoms Barbara Wanjiru Citarella, Christiana Kartsonaki, Elsa D. Ibáñez-Prada, Bronner P. Gonçalves, Joaquin Baruch, Martina Escher, Mark G. Pritchard, Jia Wei, Fred Philippy, Andrew Dagens, Matthew Hall, James Lee, Demetrios James Kutsogiannis, Evert Jan Wils, Marília Andreia Fernandes, Bharath Kumar Tirupakuzhi Vijayaraghavan, Prasan Kumar Panda, Ignacio Martin-Loeches, Shinichiro Ohshimo, Arie Zainul Fatoni, Peter Horby, Jake Dunning, Jordi Rello, Laura Merson, Amanda Rojek, Michel Vaillant, Piero Olliaro, Luis Felipe Reyes, S. A. Moharam, Sabriya Abdalasalam, Alaa Abdalfattah Abdalhadi, Naana Reyam Abdalla, Walaa Abdalla, Almthani Hamza Abdalrheem, Ashraf Abdalsalam, Saedah Abdeewi, Esraa Hassan Abdelgaum, Mohamed Abdelhalim, Mohammed Abdelkabir, Israa Abdelrahman, Sheryl Ann Abdukahil, Lamees Adil Abdulbaqi, Salaheddin Abdulhamid, Debby Bogaert, Juan Jose Diaz, Antoine Khalil, David S.Y. Ong, Douwe F. Postma, Paul van der Valk, Annelies Verbon,
Heliyon, 2024, vol. 10, p.1-16
External validation of the PAGE-B score for HCC risk prediction in people living with HIV/HBV coinfection Bernard Surial, Adrià Ramírez Mena, Marie Roumet, Andreas Limacher, Colette Smit, Marc van der Valk, J. M. Prins, M. van Vugt, E. J.G. Peters, L. M. Laan, H. S.M. Ammerlaan, A. E. Brouwer, A. Adams, J. de Groot, M. P.G. Koopmans, T. Nguyen, P. C.J. Bor, G. H.J. Wagenvoort, M. G.J. de Boer, C. J. Brouwer, E. Mulder, J. V. Smit, L. M. Kampschreur, J. W.T.Cohen Stuart, M. Hoogewerf, J. C. Sinnige, M. de Regt, M. Kok, K. van Aerde, M. Albers, M. de Haan, S. F.L. van Lelyveld, M. Bakker, D. F. Postma, H. de Jonge, R. E. Barth, A. H.W. Bruns, P. M. Ellerbroek, M. P.M. Hensgens, J. J. Oosterheert, E. M. Schadd, A. Verbon, B. J. van Welzen, I. de Kroon, F. M.Verduyn Lunel, A. M.J. Wensing, F. Paling, L. Peters, , , ,
Journal of Hepatology, 2023, vol. 78, p.947-957
Microbiology and antibiotic susceptibility patterns in spontaneous bacterial peritonitis Rosalie C. Oey, Robert A. de Man, Nicole S. Erler, Annelies Verbon, Henk R. van Buuren
United European Gastroenterology Journal, 2018, vol. 6, p.614-621

External positions

commissielid - beoordelen aanvragen voor veelbelovende zorg voor Zorg instituut om eventueel tzt in basispakket ver - Veelbelovende zorg, Zorg instituut Nederland

lid bestuur - inhoudelijke kennis ter bevordering van preventie en behandeling infectieziekten in Nederland - Samenwerking Infectieziekten

penningmeester - inhoudelijk in bestuur van Europese Vereniging van internist-infectiologen - UEMS-ID

lid deelnemersraad - inhoudelijke kennis antibiotica - SWAB

penningmeester bestuur sDA - sDA is stichting die met veehouderij en ministeries antibioticum gebruik onder veehouders monitored - sDA

lid programma commissie ESCMID global - samenstelling wetenschappelijk programma jaarlijks infectieziektencongres - ESCMID