Profile photo Anne Visser-Meilij

Anne Visser-Meilij

Full Professor

Strategic program(s):

Research groups

Rehabilitation science

Research aim

We focus on autonomy and daily functioning of people with disabilities and their families. Together with experts by experience, we aim to contribute to knowledge that leads to better rehabilitation through research, innovation and implementation.

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Recent publications

Predicting Recovery of Independent Walking after Stroke Natasja Charon Wouda, Brenda Knijff, Michiel Punt, Johanna Maria Augusta Visser-Meily, Martijn Frits Pisters
American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 2024, vol. 103, p.458-464
A Biopsychosocial Approach to Persistent Post-COVID-19 Fatigue and Cognitive Complaints Simona Klinkhammer, Annelien A. Duits, Kay Deckers, Janneke Horn, Arjen J.C. Slooter, Esmée Verwijk, Caroline M. van Heugten, Johanna M.A. Visser-Meily, Marcel J.H. Aries, Bas C.T. van Bussel, Jacobus F.A. Jansen, Marcus L.F. Janssen, Susanne van Santen, Fabienne J.H. Magdelijns, Rein Posthuma, David E.J. Linden, Margaretha C.E. van der Woude, Tom Dormans, Amy Otten, Alida A. Postma, Attila Karakus, Inez Bronsveld, Karin A.H. Kaasjager, Niek Galenkamp, Gert J. Geurtsen, Matthijs C. Brouwer, Kees Brinkman, Wytske A. Kylstra, Dook W. Koch, Martijn Beudel,
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2024, vol. 105, p.826-834
Improving Movement Behavior in People after Stroke with the RISE Intervention Wendy Hendrickx, Roderick Wondergem, Cindy Veenhof, Coralie English, Johanna M A Visser-Meily, Martijn F Pisters
Journal of Clinical medicine, 2024, vol. 13
Exploring patients' experience using PROMs within routine post-discharge follow-up assessment after stroke B M P Mourits, S J den Hartog, B Roozenbeek, M W M Post, J M A Visser-Meily, E W M Scholten
Journal of patient-reported outcomes, 2024, vol. 8, p.1-10
Prevalence and trajectories of neuropsychological post-COVID-19 symptoms in initially hospitalized patients Simona Klinkhammer, Annelien A Duits, Janneke Horn, Arjen J C Slooter, Esmée Verwijk, Susanne Van Santen, Johanna M A Visser-Meily, Caroline Van Heugten
Journal of rehabilitation medicine, 2024, vol. 56, p.1-10
What, how and when do families communicate about ALS? Marion Sommers-Spijkerman, Anna Stukker, Melinda S. Kavanaugh, Marjolijn Ketelaar, Johanna M.A. Visser-Meily, Anita Beelen
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis & Frontotemporal Degeneration, 2023, vol. 25, p.256-263