Anne van der Gugten

Assistant Professor - medical

Recent publications

Maternal use of probiotics during pregnancy and effects on their offspring's health in an unselected population Nicole Rutten, Anne Van der Gugten, Cuno Uiterwaal, Arine Vlieger, Ger Rijkers, Kors Van der Ent
European Journal of Pediatrics, 2016, vol. 175, p.229-235
Early growth characteristics and the risk of reduced lung function and asthma Herman T den Dekker, Agnes M M Sonnenschein-van der Voort, Johan C de Jongste, Isabella Anessi-Maesano, S Hasan Arshad, Henrique Barros, Caroline S Beardsmore, Hans Bisgaard, Sofia Correia Phar, Leone Craig, Graham Devereux, C Kors van der Ent, Ana Esplugues, Maria P Fantini, Claudia Flexeder, Urs Frey, Francesco Forastiere, Ulrike Gehring, Davide Gori, Anne C van der Gugten, A John Henderson, Barbara Heude, Jesús Ibarluzea, Hazel M Inskip, Thomas Keil, Manolis Kogevinas, Eskil Kreiner-Møller, Claudia E Kuehni, Susanne Lau, Erik Mélen, Monique Mommers, Eva Morales, John Penders, Katy C Pike, Daniela Porta, Irwin K Reiss, Graham Roberts, Anne Schmidt, Erica S Schultz, Holger Schulz, Jordi Sunyer, Matias Torrent, Maria Vassilaki, Alet H Wijga, Carlos Zabaleta, Vincent W V Jaddoe, Liesbeth Duijts
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2016, vol. 137, p.1026–1035
E-health and health care behaviour of parents of young children Anne C. van der Gugten, Rob J R J de Leeuw, Theo J M Verheij, Cornelis K. van der Ent, Marijke C. Kars
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 2016, vol. 34, p.135-142
Determinants associated with veterinary antimicrobial prescribing in farm animals in the Netherlands D. C. Speksnijder, A. D C Jaarsma, A. C. van der Gugten, T. J M Verheij, J. A. Wagenaar
Zoonoses and Public Health, 2015, vol. 62, p.39-51
Parent-reported symptoms of acute otitis media during the first year of life Alexandre C. Fortanier, Roderick P Venekamp, Marieke L A de Hoog, Cuno S P M Uiterwaal, Anne C van der Gugten, Cornelis K van der Ent, Arno W Hoes, Anne G M Schilder
PLoS ONE [E], 2015, vol. 10
E-health and consultation rates for respiratory illnesses in infants Anne C van der Gugten, Cuno S P M Uiterwaal, Theo J M Verheij, Cornelis K. van der Ent
British Journal of General Practice, 2015, vol. 65, p.e61-8