Assistant Professor
After a PhD in molecular biology Alike switched careers in 2003 to medical science. Her research focus is on appropriateness of prescribing and use of medication in the primary care setting. Her activities also include trial organization and management, and she participates in education of medical students.
Her current research projects are:
RAAK: Rational prescribing of Antibiotics for children with respiratory tract infections (ZonMw, the Netherlands)
ALIC4E: Antivirals for Influenza like illness? An RCT of clinical and cost-effectiveness in primary care (within the FP7 PREPARE project)
Research aim
To optimise prevention, diagnosis, prognosis and management of common infections in general practice.
Go to groupResearch aim
To improve prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases and to establish an international research infrastructure for a rapid scientific response in the face of a new infectious disease threat.
Go to group-
Working group: Antimicrobial Stewardship in Primary Care - Up-to-date houden materialen SABEL, kwaliteitsindicatoren en nascholingen - SWAB
lid werkgroep surveillance antibioticagebruik - vergadering, teksten - SWAB
consultancy - meetings, ontwikkeling materialen t.b.v. verantwoord antibioticabeleid - Global Respiratory Infection Partnership