Profile photo Adrien Melquiond

Adrien Melquiond

Assistant Professor

Strategic program(s):

Strategic program(s):


Recent publications

Enhancers reside in a unique epigenetic environment during early zebrafish development Lucas J T Kaaij, Michal Mokry, Meng Zhou, Michael Musheev, Geert Geeven, Adrien S J Melquiond, António M de Jesus Domingues, Wouter de Laat, Christof Niehrs, Andrew D Smith, René F Ketting
Genome Biology, 2016, vol. 17
Dynamic control of selectivity in the ubiquitination pathway revealed by an ASP to GLU substitution in an intra-molecular salt-bridge network S.J.L. van Wijk, A.S.J. Melquiond, S.J. de Vries, H.T.M. Timmers, A.M.J.J. Bonvin
PLoS Computational Biology, 2012, vol. 8