Roger Adan

Full Professor

Strategic program(s):


Roger Adan was trained as a molecular neurobiologist and received his PhD in 1992 on the regulation of vasopressin and oxytocin gene expression. Since 2002 he is full professor in molecular pharmacology. Via his work on melanocortin receptors he became an expert in molecular and neural pathways underlying feeding behavior, obesity and eating disorders. His lab has a strong multidisciplinary character. A variety of strategies (pharmacogenetics, viral vector technology, in vivo electrophysiology, optogenetics and automated behavioral and physiological analysis) is used to unravel mechanism underlying behavior.  The main focus is on feeding, since this is a natural behavior ideally suited to dissect neural circuits that underlie decision making, anxiety, anhedonia, impulsivity and reward seeking.

Personal fellowships and awards

1: NWO-VIDI grant (016.036.322): Role of neuropeptides in disorders of energy balance
2: ZOnMW-TOP grant (40-00812-98-14093): Shining light on loss of control over substance and food intake
3: co-applicant of 4 granted FP7 programs (Nudge-IT, NeuroFast, Full4Health and I.Family)
4: Recipient of the Rudolf Magnus Research Prize 2003
5: Recipient of the Organon prize for pharmacology 2004

Research line

Neural circuits of feeding and related behaviors

Strategic program(s):


Research groups

Neural circuit function

Research aim

We aim to unravel the neurobiology underlying eating disorders. This will provide a framework for the development of neurobiology-based therapeutic interventions for diseases like anorexia nervosa.

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Recent publications

Nucleus accumbens D1- and D2-expressing neurons control the balance between feeding and activity-mediated energy expenditure Roman Walle, Anna Petitbon, Giulia R. Fois, Christophe Varin, Enrica Montalban, Lola Hardt, Andrea Contini, Maria Florencia Angelo, Mylène Potier, Rodrigue Ortole, Asma Oummadi, Véronique De Smedt-Peyrusse, Roger A. Adan, Bruno Giros, Francis Chaouloff, Guillaume Ferreira, Alban de Kerchove d’Exaerde, Fabien Ducrocq, François Georges, Pierre Trifilieff
Nature Communications, 2024, vol. 15, p.1-16
Characterizing and TRAPing a Social Stress-Activated Neuronal Ensemble in the Ventral Tegmental Area Ioannis Koutlas, Louisa E Linders, Stef E van der Starre, Inge G Wolterink-Donselaar, Roger A H Adan, Frank J Meye
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience [E], 2022, vol. 16
Molecular profile and response to energy deficit of leptin-receptor neurons in the lateral hypothalamus N Kakava-Georgiadou, V Drkelic, K M Garner, M C M Luijendijk, O Basak, R A H Adan
Scientific Reports, 2022, vol. 12
Common Genetic Variation and Age of Onset of Anorexia Nervosa Hunna J. Watson, Laura M. Thornton, Zeynep Yilmaz, Jessica H. Baker, Jonathan R.I. Coleman, Roger A.H. Adan, Lars Alfredsson, Ole A. Andreassen, Helga Ask, Wade H. Berrettini, Michael Boehnke, Ilka Boehm, Claudette Boni, Katharina Buehren, Josef Bulant, Roland Burghardt, Xiao Chang, Sven Cichon, Roger D. Cone, Philippe Courtet, Scott Crow, James J. Crowley, Unna N. Danner, Martina de Zwaan, George Dedoussis, Janiece E. DeSocio, Danielle M. Dick, Dimitris Dikeos, Christian Dina, Srdjan Djurovic, Monika Dmitrzak-Weglarz, Elisa Docampo-Martinez, Philibert Duriez, Karin Egberts, Stefan Ehrlich, Johan G. Eriksson, Geòrgia Escaramís, Tõnu Esko, Xavier Estivill, Anne Farmer, Fernando Fernández-Aranda, Manfred M. Fichter, Manuel Föcker, Lenka Foretova, Andreas J. Forstner, Oleksandr Frei, Martien J.H. Kas, Bochao Lin, Jurjen Luykx, Roel A. Ophoff,
Biological psychiatry global open science, 2022, vol. 2, p.368-378
Studying Synaptic Connectivity and Strength with Optogenetics and Patch-Clamp Electrophysiology Louisa E Linders, Laura F Supiot, Wenjie Du, Roberto D'Angelo, Roger A H Adan, Danai Riga, Frank J Meye
International journal of molecular sciences, 2022, vol. 23
Characterization of orexin input to dopamine neurons of the ventral tegmental area projecting to the medial prefrontal cortex and shell of nucleus accumbens Imre Kalló, Azar Omrani, Frank J Meye, Han de Jong, Zsolt Liposits, Roger A H Adan
Brain structure & function, 2022, vol. 227, p.1083-1098

Fellowships & Awards

2002: Rol neuropeptiden bij anorexia en vetzucht

External positions

commissielid NCAD - adviezen over proefdieren en proefdiervrije innovaties - RVO-NCAD

gasthoogleraarschap - adviseren molecular neuroscience technologie - Sahlgrenska Academy, university of Gothenburg

wetenschappelijk adviseur - translationeel werk: vertaalslag preklinisch onderzoek naar kliniek (en terug) - Altrecht- Rintveld eetstoornissen kliniek