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Wear that Band – a hit!

Nearly 1 in 3 people have hypertension, probably without knowing it themselves. Having high blood pressure is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. As a result, nearly 40,000 people die each year in the Netherlands. This is twice a sold-out Stadion Galgenwaard. Last week, together with FC Utrecht, we drew attention to measuring your blood pressure. With various actions in the Wear that band campaign we reached many people in the Utrecht region. A resounding success!

For example, last week doctors and other employees of the UMC Utrecht could have their blood pressure measured themselves. Nearly 100 employees did so. And we are proud of that. Because a healthy blood pressure is important for everyone, whether you are a soccer player or a doctor.

A win on all fronts for FC Utrecht

The FC Utrecht match last Sunday was also entirely dedicated to our Wear that Band campaign. The campaign video was shown before the match and there was also a nice article in the match flyer. Internist-vascular physician Wilko Spiering of the UMC Utrecht made a tour of various stands to talk about the dangers of high blood pressure and prevention. Were you there?

A leader in four Utrecht organizations

Finally, on Tuesday we visited four major Utrecht organizations (Municipality of Utrecht, ROM Utrecht Region, Heddes Bouw & Ontwikkeling, ROC Midden Nederland), with a delegation of the FC Utrecht squad and healthcare professionals on behalf of UMC Utrecht. During these visits, one employee per organization was chosen as ‘captain’. From now on, he or she is an ambassador for the organization in order to draw attention to the importance of measuring blood pressure. In the RTV Utrecht news broadcast you can see a report of the visit to the Municipality of Utrecht from 03:32 onwards, with FC Utrecht captain Nick Viergever and Wilko Spiering talking.

Learn more about the importance of measuring your blood pressure, the risks of a high blood pressure and how to keep your blood pressure healthy? Take a look at the special FC Utrecht website.

Also want to become captain? Go to and sign up. You will then receive the limited edition captain’s armband, 50 percent discount on an FC Utrecht blood pressure monitor and access to a number of FC Utrecht activities.

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