How does a child with mental illness affect the other children in the family? What support do siblings need? These questions are at the heart of the research Elien Veldhuizen, 6th year medical student, conducted during her academic internship. Her findings show that while brusses (siblings of children with mental illness) love their sibling, they simultaneously have difficulty dealing with disruptive behavior and arguments. They may experience frustration or anger as a result, but also feel guilty about it. This emotional conflict often leads the bruses to settle.
In March, Elien Veldhuizen began researching the stories of siblings (brusses) of children with mental illness, such as autism, ADHD or behavioral problems. The research was designed to gain more insight into the need for help and support for bruses. She took a narrative approach and guidance from the Psychiatry Story Bank. This project aims to use true stories to gain more insight into the lives of people dealing with psychiatric problems. Read more