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Donation FC Utrecht crowns new collaboration

The first one-two punch between UMC Utrecht and FC Utrecht has produced immediate results: more awareness of the importance of measuring blood pressure as well as 15,000 euros for research into cardiovascular diseases. Thijs van Es, general manager of the soccer club, handed a symbolic check to Arno Hoes, vice president of the UMC Utrecht, on Tuesday, September 6.

A more vital Utrecht. That is the mission of the cooperation that FC Utrecht and UMC Utrecht entered into this year. The first result was the campaign Wear that band. At the end of April, during the match between FC Utrecht and NEC, more than 20,000 spectators were made aware of the importance of measuring blood pressure by means of a playful action. The UMC Utrecht and FC Utrecht called on people over 40 to have their blood pressure measured at one of the Heart Foundation’s measuring points in May.

Early detection

People with elevated blood pressure have a greater risk of cardiovascular disease. People over 40 in particular would be wise to have their blood pressure measured regularly – every other month – or to do this themselves. The earlier any hypertension is detected, the sooner something can be done about it. “High blood pressure can often be remedied with lifestyle changes, or at a further stage with medication,” says internist-vascular medicine specialist Wilko Spiering of UMC Utrecht.


On Thursday, June 2, more than a month after the joint appeal by the university hospital and the soccer club, the Gala From the Heart was on the program at FC Utrecht. Its theme was the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Guests could bid on items offered by FC Utrecht partners. Part of the proceeds – 15,000 euros – were earmarked for Friends UMC Utrecht & Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital (WKZ). This donation crowned the first joint action by the hospital and the soccer club.


With the money, the UMC Utrecht can conduct research into the functioning of the so-called Aktiia wristband. This bracelet measures blood pressure over a longer period of time. Wilko: “Together with our partners FC Utrecht and the Heart Foundation, we want to conduct a pilot study in which participants are given a classic blood pressure measurement as done during the Wear that band campaign. Then we will measure blood pressure for a month via an Aktiia wristband. Through smarter blood pressure measurement, we may be able to improve screening for hypertension and contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular disease.”


UMC Utrecht and FC Utrecht are enthusiastic about their one-two punch and are therefore continuing it. “In the coming period we will work together even more intensively on themes such as the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and sports medicine,” said Arno Hoes, who in addition to being a member of the board of directors of UMC Utrecht is also a great soccer fan. “As a teaching hospital, we think it is important to focus not only on making people better, but also on prevention. It’s great to see that FC Utrecht takes its social duty very seriously and is committed to a healthier supporter community.”

Fitness and vitality

Thijs van Es, general manager of FC Utrecht, adds: “As a club, we are at the center of society. We are committed from the heart to the community, to the heart of our community. The fitness and vitality of everyone is our top priority. Together we ensure a more vital Utrecht.”

Blood pressure monitor

The Wear That Band campaign has underlined FC Utrecht’s social commitment. Not only at FC Utrecht against NEC did the captains play with a special Wear that Band! captain’s armband, this also happened during Jong FC Utrecht versus Telstar. Moreover, all spectators at the match in Stadion Galgenwaard were given a band, which symbolized the measurement of blood pressure. Furthermore, during that soccer weekend the captains of more than twenty FC Utrecht partner clubs wore this captain’s band. The FC Utrecht selection visited a number of amateur clubs to hand over a blood pressure meter.


The fact that FC Utrecht looks beyond the lines of the soccer pitch and emphatically wants to play a social role gives UMC Utrecht the opportunity to reach more people. Arno: “Anyone who eats healthily, exercises regularly, does not smoke and lives consciously healthy in other areas, reduces the risk of many diseases. As UMC Utrecht, we like to show people the advantages of a healthy lifestyle. Thanks to the cooperation with FC Utrecht, we can also share this important message with the club’s large supporters. We are very grateful to FC Utrecht for that. The successful campaign Draag die band tastes like more.”

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