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COFIT-20: exercise via video link against mental illness

The corona crisis has a lot of impact, including on psychiatric patients. This week begins the COFIT-20 study, which examines whether it is feasible and fun for this target group to exercise via video link.

Much psychiatric care has been scaled down and gyms have closed. A reduction in social contacts and lack of structure in the day can cause mental health symptoms to worsen. People with psychiatric vulnerability have a higher risk of somatic disorders. The corona crisis can worsen lifestyle habits. Sports are then extra important.

Lisanne Koomen is a researcher connected to this pilot study: “Sports can reduce psychological complaints and in this way possibly contribute to the prevention of relapse during the corona crisis. We are doing this pilot study in collaboration with Lister and with local sports entrepreneurs Studio Patricia and SPAT changes. In this way, we also want to build a bridge between ‘regular’ gyms and our target group.”

The group of participants in the study consists of 40 people with severe psychiatric disorders. 20 people participate in the sports group, 20 in the control group. The sports group participates in fitness or pilates twice a week for 12 weeks via a video link. They receive live feedback from a sports coach. The study will start the week of June 8.

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