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Cardiovascular disease: how to lower the risks

Anyone can get a cardiovascular disease. The Netherlands has about 1.4 million cardiovascular patients. There are a number of risk factors that cause someone to have a greater chance of developing a heart or vascular disease. We are committed to lowering these risks. What can you do about this yourself? And what does the UMC Utrecht do in this regard? On this page you will find answers to these and many other questions.

What can you do yourself against cardiovascular disease?

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Jan Westerink talks about cardiovascular diseases

Jan Westerink, internist – vascular physician, takes us into the world of cardiovascular disease in the videos below. He answers three questions divided into the three videos below.

Video 1: What do we mean by cardiovascular disease, what are the main risk factors and how do you reduce these risks?

Video 2: What do we do at UMC Utrecht to treat the risk factors of cardiovascular disease?

Video 3: What does the future hold for cardiovascular disease?


What are the chances of growing old without cardiovascular disease? Until now, it has been impossible for doctors to accurately estimate which preventive treatments will benefit an individual patient the most. With the U-Prevent website, we can now make a reliable statement about the individual treatment effect. Frank Visseren, professor of vascular medicine, developed this website with colleagues. Read what he tells about how it works and the benefits of U-Prevent.

Support research into cardiovascular disease at UMC Utrecht

Would you like to contribute to research at UMC Utrecht, for example in the field of cardiovascular diseases? You can do so through Friends UMC Utrecht & Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, the charity of the (children’s) hospital. The foundation funds research into new treatments and innovations in healthcare. So that patients in UMC Utrecht and Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, but also in other hospitals, can benefit as quickly as possible. The support of donors, companies and funds is indispensable. Together we can make a difference! Will you help?

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