International strategic research partners

Our commitment to excellence extends beyond borders through our international strategic research partners. These global alliances expand our horizons, connecting us to the worldwide medical community and fostering cross-cultural understanding. By collaborating internationally, we contribute to and benefit from global advancements in healthcare, addressing challenges that affect humanity as a whole. These partnerships enable us to share resources efficiently, exchange groundbreaking ideas, and work towards a future where high-quality healthcare knows no geographical boundaries, truly bringing different worlds together.

Below are some of the organizations we work with.


UMC Utrecht strategic network

With some of the UU partners the UMC Utrecht has developed large programs in different areas of research. An Internationalization Committee started a new budget for the years 2020-2025 for awarding grants that promote research collaboration.

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Eureka Institute for Translational Medicine

UMC Utrecht is a co-founder and partner of the Eureka Institute for Translational Medicine, which aims to provide education and networking for translational scientists. Eureka Institute partners are: UMC Utrecht, Duke/ NUS, Stanford, Toronto, Miami, Arizona, United Emirates, Drexel University, Cancer Research UK, and the National Federation for Emergency Medicine. San Raffaele in Milan.

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UMC Utrecht co-founded ECRAID (European Clinical Research Alliance on Infectious Diseases) in 2022. ECRAID ensures a coordinated approach in Europe for the efficient development and implementation of clinical research on intervention in the field of infectious diseases.

Website ECRAID

Global Health

Together with Utrecht University, we contribute to the improvement of health for everybody. We do this at a regional and national level, but also internationally. Through Global Health we work on research and education programs in collaboration with hospitals and knowledge institutions in low- and middle-income countries on all continents. We work on sustainable and fair solutions for complex health issues around the world. To do this, we focus on a number of topics such as the impact of environment and surroundings, chronic diseases, and mother and childcare.

Website Global Health