The Utrecht Cardiovascular Cohorts – Second Manifestations of Arterial Disease (UCC-SMART) study is an ongoing prospective single-centre cohort study of over 15,000 patients.


The aim of the study is to assess important determinants and the prognosis of cardiovascular disease progression.

The study contributes to attaining complete and protocoled multidisciplinary care by integrating scientific research into patient care. The study population consist of patients aged 18 – 90 years, referred to the University Medical Centre Utrecht for management of cardiovascular disease or risk factors. Upon inclusion, patients undergo a standardized screening program, including questionnaires, vital signs, laboratory measurements, electrocardiogram, vascular ultrasound of carotid arteries and aorta, ankle-brachial index and ultrasound measurements of adipose tissue, kidney size and intima media thickness.

UCC-SMART covers a long follow-up duration. Outcomes of interest are collected through annual questionnaires and adjudicated by an endpoint committee.

Annual Report

In the Facts & Figures 2024 of the Utrecht Cardiovasculair Cohorts – Second Manifestations of ARTerial disease (UCC-SMART), an annual overview is given about the activities that took place in 2024. Additionally, it gives insight to the upcoming events in 20245. The Facts & Figures of 2023, 2022, 2021 and 2020 are also available.

Read about the start of the NFU campaign about cohortstudies and how, thanks to the UCC-SMART study, UMC Utrecht can now better predict the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Read article in Dutch >

Athero Express

Athero-Express is an ongoing prospective cohort study and biobank, initiated in 2002. The study includes patients undergoing femoral or carotid endarterectomy. During surgery, the atherosclerotic plaque is harvested and immunohistochemically stained in order to asses fat, collagen, macrophages and smooth muscle cells.

The objective of Athero-Express is to investigate the value of plaque characteristics in relation to long term cardiovascular events. In 2022, Athero-Express has been incorporated in the UCC-SMART study.

Data/Material Request

If you are interested in a dataset from the UCC-SMART study please fill in the Data Request form and send an email to ucc-smart@umcutrecht.nl. Thereafter the Study Group assesses whether your research meets the objectives of the study, has not previously been performed and fits within the patients permission.

In addition the Study Group can provide advice about possible collaborations. After the request has been approved and all relevant agreements are completed, you will receive the requested dataset.

Members Study Group

Prof. dr. G.J. de Borst: Department of Vascular Surgery, Dr. M.J. Cramer: Department of Cardiology, Dr. J.A.N. Dorresteijn (co-chair): Department of Vascular Medicine, Prof. dr. M.H. Emmelot-Vonk: Department of Geriatrics, Prof. dr. P. van der Harst: Department of Cardiology, Prof. dr. P.A. de Jong: Department of Radiology, Dr. A.T. Lely: Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Dr. M.G. van der Meer (co-chair): Department of Cardiology, Dr. M.M. Mokhles: Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Dr. H.M. Nathoe: Department of Cardiology, Dr. Y.M. Ruigrok: Department of Neurology, Dr. M. van Smeden: Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, Dr. M. Teraa (co-chair): Department of Vascular Surgery, Prof. dr. M.C. Verhaar: Department of Nephrology & Hypertension, Prof. dr. F.L.J. Visseren (chair): Department of Vascular Medicine.

Involved Research groups

  • Utrecht cardiovascular cohorts – second manifestations of arterial disease (UCC-SMART) Open Group