The UCC-CVRM component aims to provide care to all new cardiovascular patients in accordance with the Dutch Cardio-Vascular Risk Management (CVRM) guideline.


At the end of 2019 4,140 patients participated in the cohort. Sixty percent of the participating patients in UCC have given permission for participation in scientific research and for extra blood collection for the biobank. From 90% of this group information is received via questionnaires and measurements. All the required data for almost 80% is present (complete CVRM lab). Obviously there is a commitment to complete the data in the database. The UCC-CVRM database is in 2018 enriched with routine care data of general practitioners and the Pharmaceutical Key Figures Foundation (medication prescriptions).

In the COVID-19 period (2020-2021), enrollment was reduced dramatically and the logistical approach of UCC-CVRM approach was evaluated. That resulted in a re-design of the logistics around UCC-CVRM. We separated routine care from targeted research. That meant that in its present form UCC-CVRM extracts CVRM data collected in routine clinical practice from the electronic health records in all patients seen for the first time in the UMCU for evaluation of a cardiovascular condition. Informed consent is obtained through an entirely in an entirely digitally manner through the patient portal. Furthermore, information from the cardiovascular questionnaire is obtained in a similar manner entirely digital through the portal. A blood sample will be obtained from a 10% sample of those who provided an informed consent.

  1. Asselbergs FW, Visseren FL, Bots ML, de Borst GJ, Buijsrogge MP, Dieleman JM, van Dinther BG, Doevendans PA, Hoefer IE, Hollander M, de Jong PA, Koenen SV, Pasterkamp G, Ruigrok YM, van der Schouw YT, Verhaar MC, Grobbee DE. Uniform data collection in routine clinical practice in cardiovascular patients for optimal care, quality control and research: The Utrecht Cardiovascular Cohort. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2017 May;24(8):840-847. doi: 10.1177/2047487317690284. Epub 2017 Jan 27. PMID: 28128643.
  2. Groenhof TKJ, Rittersma ZH, Bots ML, Brandjes M, Jacobs JJL, Grobbee DE, van Solinge WW, Visseren FLJ, Haitjema S, Asselbergs FW; Members of the UCC-CVRM Study Group. A computerised decision support system for cardiovascular risk management ‘live’ in the electronic health record environment: development, validation and implementation-the Utrecht Cardiovascular Cohort Initiative. Neth Heart J. 2019 Sep;27(9):435-442. doi: 10.1007/s12471-019-01308-w. PMID: 31372838; PMCID: PMC6712110.
  3. Groenhof TKJ, Kofink D, Bots ML, Nathoe HM, Hoefer IE, Van Solinge WW, Lely AT, Asselbergs FW, Haitjema S. Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Target Attainment in Patients With Established Cardiovascular Disease: Analysis of Routine Care Data. JMIR Med Inform. 2020 Apr 2;8(4):e16400. doi: 10.2196/16400. PMID: 32238333; PMCID: PMC7163416.
  4. Groenhof TKJ, Koers LR, Blasse E, de Groot M, Grobbee DE, Bots ML, Asselbergs FW, Lely AT, Haitjema S; UPOD; UCC-CVRM Study Groups. Data mining information from electronic health records produced high yield and accuracy for current smoking status. J Clin Epidemiol. 2020 Feb;118:100-106. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2019.11.006. Epub 2019 Nov 12. PMID: 31730918.
  5. Groenhof TKJ, Lely AT, Haitjema S, Nathoe HM, Kortekaas MF, Asselbergs FW, Bots ML, Hollander M; UCC CVRM study group. Evaluating a cardiovascular disease risk management care continuum within a learning healthcare system: a prospective cohort study. BJGP Open. 2020 Dec 15;4(5):bjgpopen20X101109. doi: 10.3399/bjgpopen20X101109. PMID: 33144367; PMCID: PMC7880177.
  6. Nijman SWJ, Groenhof TKJ, Hoogland J, Bots ML, Brandjes M, Jacobs JJL, Asselbergs FW, Moons KGM, Debray TPA. Real-time imputation of missing predictor values improved the application of prediction models in daily practice. J Clin Epidemiol. 2021 Jun;134:22-34. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2021.01.003. Epub 2021 Jan 19. PMID: 33482294.
  7. Groenhof TKJ, Mostert M, Lea NC, Haitjema S, de Vries MC, van Dijk WB, Grobbee DE, Asselbergs FW, Bots ML, van der Graaf R. How traditional informed consent impairs inclusivity in a learning healthcare system: lessons learned from the Utrecht Cardiovascular Cohort. J Clin Epidemiol. 2022 Sep;149:190-194. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2022.04.025. Epub 2022 Apr 30. PMID: 35504525.
  8. Groenhof TKJ, Lely AT, Asselbergs FW, Grobbee DE, Bots ML, Haitjema S; Members of the UCC-CVRM Study Group. Optimizing cardiovascular risk assessment and registration in a developing cardiovascular learning health care system: women benefit most Plos Digital Health (in press)

In the COVID-19 period (2020-2021), enrollment was reduced dramatically and the logistical approach of UCC-CVRM approach was evaluated. That resulted in a re-design of the logistics around UCC-CVRM. We separated routine care from targeted research. That meant that in its present form UCC-CVRM extracts CVRM data collected in routine clinical practice from the electronic health records in all patients seen for the first time in the UMCU for evaluation of a cardiovascular condition. Informed consent is obtained through an entirely in an entirely digitally manner through the patient portal. Furthermore, information from the cardiovascular questionnaire is obtained in a similar manner entirely digital through the portal. A blood sample will be obtained from a 10% sample of those who provided an informed consent.

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