Profile photo Toine Egberts

Toine Egberts

Full Professor

Strategic program(s):


Toine Egberts (1965) obtained his PharmD in 1990 at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Thereafter he was trained as a clinical pharmacist during four years in the hospitals of Tilburg and Delft. In 1994, he started his PhD project at the department of Pharmacoepidemiology & Clinical Pharmacology of Utrecht University in collaboration with the Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Foundation 'Lareb'. This resulted in 1997 in a thesis entitled 'Pharmacoepidemiologic approaches to the evaluation of antidepressant drugs'. During his PhD-project he obtained the Master of Science degree in clinical epidemiology at the Netherlands Institute of Health Sciences.

He was appointed in 2001 as professor of clinical pharmacoepidemiology at the department of Pharmacoepidemiology & Clinical Pharmacology. Since 2006 he is also a professor of clinical pharmacy at the medical faculty of Utrecht University. In these positions he tries to bridge the drug environment and the patient environment.

From 2006 - 2017 he was the chief pharmacist of the department of clinical pharmacy of the University Medical Center Utrecht.

Since november 2018 he is director of doctor education of the Graduate School of Life Sciences of the Utrecht University. The coaching of PhD students gives him energy as it nicely balances performing research into medical/pharmaceutical puzzles with the personal development of young academic professionals. He had the opportunity to guide over 65 PhD students towards the 'hora est'. He has always been deeply involved in education, especially the training of hospital pharmacists, for which he received in 2016 the 'Senior Jan Glerum Award'.

He is (co)author of approximately 500 international peer reviewed scientific publications and a reviewer for several scientific journals and international research funding organisations.

He is a member of the editorial board of the journal Drug Safety. He is member of several committees such as the CCMO and the Netherlands Expertcenter for Pharmacotherapy for older people (EPHOR.

His research activities focus on His research activities focus on a) the clinical pharmacology / clinical pharmacoepidemiology of drugs used in daily clinical practice, and b) on innovations in prescribing, monitoring and evaluation of medicines. In addition, he tries to promote sustainability in pharmacy ('green pharmacy').

He is married to Karin, has two daughters (Bibi and Louisa) and one son (Kilian) and in his spare time he likes to (trail)run, bootcamp, climb mountains and to play / listen to music.

Research groups

Clinical pharmacy research

Research aim

The mission of the clinical pharmacy program is to explain, predict and improve patients’ response to pharmacotherapeutic treatment using clinical pharmacological and clinical pharmacoepidemiological approaches.

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Recent publications

Development of a text mining algorithm for identifying adverse drug reactions in electronic health records Britt W.M. Van De Burgt, Arthur T.M. Wasylewicz, Bjorn Dullemond, Naomi T. Jessurun, Rene J.E. Grouls, R. Arthur Bouwman, Erik H.M. Korsten, Toine C.G. Egberts
JAMIA open, 2024, vol. 7
Poor performance of ChatGPT in clinical rule-guided dose interventions in hospitalized patients with renal dysfunction Merel van Nuland, JaapJan D Snoep, Toine Egberts, Abdullah Erdogan, Ricky Wassink, Paul D van der Linden
European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2024, vol. 80, p.1133-1140
Performance of ChatGPT on Factual Knowledge Questions Regarding Clinical Pharmacy Merel van Nuland, Abdullah Erdogan, Cenkay Aςar, Ramon Contrucci, Sven Hilbrants, Lamyae Maanach, Toine Egberts, Paul D van der Linden
Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2024, vol. 64, p.1095-1100
Leftover of Amoxicillin Suspension After Use by Children in the Netherlands Milad Sadreghaemy, Magdalena A Gamba, Lourens T Bloem, Toine C G Egberts
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 2024, vol. 33
Intranasal vitamin B12 administration in elderly patients Monique P.H. Tillemans, Thijs J. Giezen, Toine C.G. Egberts, Jan H. Hooijberg, Kees J. Kalisvaart
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2024, vol. 90, p.1975-1983
Assessing accuracy of ChatGPT in response to questions from day to day pharmaceutical care in hospitals Merel van Nuland, Anne Fleur H. Lobbezoo, Ewoudt M.W. van de Garde, Maikel Herbrink, Inger van Heijl, Tim Bognàr, Jeroen P.A. Houwen, Marloes Dekens, Demi Wannet, Toine Egberts, Paul D. van der Linden
Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy, 2024, vol. 15

External positions

Bestuur stichting EPHOR - expertise farmacotherapie bij ouderen - EPHOR (expertisecentrum pharmacotherapie bij ouderen)

Director of Doctoral Education - Supervisor onderzoeks / PhD projecten - Graduate School of Life Sciences Utrecht University

lid van de wetenschappelijke adviesraad - - Utrecht Center for Affordable Therapeutics (UCAB)

beoordelen protocollen in kader wetenschappelijk onderzoek (zie - heb daarin zitting als ziekenhuisapotheker - Centrale Commissie Mensgebonden Onderzoek (CCMO)

Lid editorial board van het wetenschappelijk tijdschrift Drug Safety - mijn professionele expertise als onderzoeker binnen het domein farmacovigilantie - Drug Safety (wetenschappelijk tijdschrift)

hoogleraar klinische farmacie - synergie met hoogleraarschap klinische farmacie UMCU - Universiteit Utrecht