Associate Professor
Strategic program(s):
Pieter Vader graduated in Chemistry (B.Sc., 2005) and Drug Innovation (M.Sc., 2007) from the University of Utrecht. He earned his PhD degree in 2012 from the University of Utrecht on the subject of targeted delivery of siRNA to inhibit tumor angiogenesis.
From 2012 to 2014, Pieter was employed as a (senior) postdoctoral fellow at the University of Oxford, UK, in the lab of Prof. Matthew Wood, supported by a NWO Rubicon fellowship. The research topic was development of small RNA-loaded extracellular vesicles for targeted delivery.
In 2014 he moved back to The Netherlands to continue his work at the University Medical Center Utrecht. Currently, he is Associate Professor at CDL Research and at the Department of Experimental Cardiology. His main research interests are in the field of therapeutic applications of extracellular vesicles, including unraveling the mechanisms underlying extracellular vesicle-mediated cargo transfer. His research has been supported by a NWO Veni Grant (2014), ERC Starting Grant (2019), Dutch Heart Foundation Dekker Senior Scientist Grant (2019), NWO Vidi Grant (2020) and ERC Consolidator Grant (2023). In 2021, Pieter was awarded the Prix Galien Research Award for his work on drug delivery.
Research aim
We develop synthetic and biological nanomedicine for targeted drug delivery
Go to group2019: ERC Starting Grant
2014: VENI
2011: Rubicon grant
Member of Scientific Advisory Board, Evox Therapeutics