Profile photo Peter Nikkels

Peter Nikkels

Assistant Professor - medical

Strategic program(s):


Pathologist, consultant for pediatric and perinatal pathology.

MD exam July 1982, Erasmus Uni­versity Rotter­dam, the Netherlands

PhD thesis: The hemopoietic micro-environment, effects of chemotherapy and irradiation, March 22 1989, Erasmus Uni­versity Rotter­dam, the Netherlands

Pathology training: January 1987 until January 1992, University Hospital Groningen, the Netherlands

1992-december 1996: staff member department of pathology University Hospital Groningen, the Netherlands and responsible for the perinatal pathology

December 1996- : staff member department of pathology, University Hospital Utrecht, the Netherlands. Responsible for pediatric and perinatal pathology including training of residents and performing / supervising 120-140 perinatal and pediatric autopsies annually, 700-800 placentas annually and approximately 1200-1500 surgical biopsies including solid pediatric tumors from October 2014.

Strategic program(s):


Recent publications

Significant association between circumvallate placenta, placental abruption and acute chorioamnionitis in preterm birth D. G. Stuijt, M. Bos, P. G.J. Nikkels, R. Wolterbeek, L. E. van der Meeren
Placenta, 2024, vol. 146, p.25-29
Multipotent adult progenitor cells prevent functional impairment and improve development in inflammation driven detriment of preterm ovine lungs Sophie M.L. Neuen, Daan R.M.G. Ophelders, Helene Widowski, Matthias C. Hütten, Tim Brokken, Charlotte van Gorp, Peter G.J. Nikkels, Carmen A.H. Severens-Rijvers, Mireille M.J.P.E. Sthijns, Clemens A. van Blitterswijk, Freddy J. Troost, Vanessa L.S. LaPointe, Shahab Jolani, Christof Seiler, J. Jane Pillow, Tammo Delhaas, Niki L. Reynaert, Tim G.A.M. Wolfs
Regenerative Therapy, 2024, vol. 27, p.207-217
Uneven Distribution of Purkinje Cell Injury in the Cerebellar Vermis of Term Neonates with Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy Kim V Annink, Ilona C E van Leeuwen, Nina A Smeets, Lianne A J Peeters, Niek E van der Aa, Thomas Alderliesten, Floris Groenendaal, Reint K Jellema, Cora H A Nijboer, Peter G J Nikkels, Martin Lammens, Manon J N L Benders, Freek E Hoebeek, Jeroen Dudink
Cerebellum (London, England), 2024, vol. 24
Comment to Noll et al. “Artery-to-vein anastomoses in unequally divided placentas and their association with birthweight discordance” Martin J.C. van Gemert, Ed VanBavel, Peter G.J. Nikkels, Ton G. van Leeuwen
Placenta, 2024, vol. 151, p.26-26

Fellowships & Awards

2010: Prijs voor beste, meest oorspronkelijke en meest zelfstandige wetenschappelijk werk in de perinatale pathologie.