Matthijs Bossong

Assistant Professor


Curriculum Vitae


Matthijs Bossong studied Biomedical Sciences at Utrecht University. After completing his PhD in Utrecht on the role of the endocannabinoid system in human brain functions relevant for psychiatric disorders, he started his first postdoc position in September 2011 at the Institute of Psychiatry of King’s College London. Here, supported by an NWO Rubicon fellowship, Matthijs worked on two multimodal neuroimaging studies with people at an ultra-high risk for developing psychosis. One of these projects involved a treatment with the cannabinoid compound cannabidiol. In September 2014, he started his second postdoc at the Department of Psychiatry of the UMC Utrecht, where he coordinated a large-scale international multicenter study in which the potential of omega-3 fatty acids in the prevention of psychosis was examined in adolescent at-risk individuals. Supported by both an NWO Veni fellowship and a Rudolf Magnus Young Talent Fellowship, Matthijs is currently working as Assistant Professor on a pharmacological neuroimaging study investigating the impact of cannabidiol treatment on brain function of patients with a psychotic disorder. 



Key Publications


Bossong M.G., Antoniades M., Azis M., Samson C., Quinn B., Bonoldi I., Modinos G., Pérez J., Howes O.D., Stone J., Allen P., McGuire P. (2019) Association of Hippocampal Glutamate Levels With Adverse Outcomes in Individuals at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis. JAMA Psychiatry 76, 199-207.


Bhattacharyya S., Wilson R., Appiah-Kusi E., O'Neill A., Brammer M., Perez J., Murray R., Allen P., Bossong M.G., McGuire P. (2018) Effect of Cannabidiol on Medial Temporal, Midbrain, and Striatal Dysfunction in People at Clinical High Risk of Psychosis: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Psychiatry 75, 1107-17.


Iseger T.A., Bossong M.G. (2015) A systematic review of the antipsychotic properties of cannabidiol in humans. Schizophrenia Research 162 (1-3), 153 - 161.


Bossong M.G., Jansma J.M., Van Hell H.H., Jager G., Oudman E., Saliasi E., Kahn R.S., Ramsey N.F. (2012) Effects of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol on human working memory function. Biological Psychiatry 71 (8), 693 - 699.


Bossong M.G., Niesink R.J. (2010) Adolescent brain maturation, the endogenous cannabinoid system and cannabis-induced schizophrenia. Progress in Neurobiology 92 (3), 370 - 385.


Bossong M.G., Van Berckel B.N.M., Boellaard R., Zuurman L., Schuit R.C., Windhorst A.D., Van Gerven J.M.A., Ramsey N.F., Lammertsma A.A., Kahn R.S. (2009) ∆9-Tetrahydrocannabinol induces dopamine release in the human striatum. Neuropsychopharmacology 34 (3), 759 - 766.


Van Berckel B.N.M., Bossong M.G., Van Haaren N., Boellaard R., Comans E.F.I., Kloet R., Schuitemaker A., Caspers E., Luurtsema G., Windhorst A.D., Cahn W., Lammertsma A.A., Kahn R.S. (2008) Microglia activation in recent onset schizophrenia: a quantitative (R)-[11C]PK11195 PET study. Biological Psychiatry 64 (9), 820 - 822

Recent publications

Increased hippocampal blood flow in people at clinical high risk for psychosis and effects of cannabidiol Cathy Davies, Matthijs G. Bossong, Daniel Martins, Robin Wilson, Elizabeth Appiah-Kusi, Grace Blest-Hopley, Fernando Zelaya, Paul Allen, Michael Brammer, Jesus Perez, Philip McGuire, Sagnik Bhattacharyya
Psychological medicine, 2024, vol. 54, p.993-1003
The impact of cannabidiol treatment on resting state functional connectivity, prefrontal metabolite levels and reward processing in recent-onset patients with a psychotic disorder Ruben van Boxel, Shiral S Gangadin, Hella Janssen, Sanne van der Steur, Lucia J C van der Vinne, Lon Dortants, Teuntje A D Pelgrim, Luc W R Draisma, Ruth Tuura, Pim van der Meer, Albert Batalla, Matthijs G Bossong
Journal of Psychiatric Research, 2023, vol. 163, p.93-101
Therapeutic effect of psilocybin in addiction Pim B. van der Meer, Juan J. Fuentes, Ad A. Kaptein, Jan W. Schoones, Marleen M. de Waal, Anneke E. Goudriaan, Kees Kramers, Arnt Schellekens, Metten Somers, Matthijs G. Bossong, Albert Batalla
Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2023, vol. 14
The Relationship Between Grey Matter Volume and Clinical and Functional Outcomes in People at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis Stefania Tognin, Anja Richter, Matthew J. Kempton, Gemma Modinos, Mathilde Antoniades, Matilda Azis, Paul Allen, Matthijs G. Bossong, Jesus Perez, Christos Pantelis, Barnaby Nelson, G. Paul Amminger, Anita Riecher-Rössler, Neus Barrantes-Vidal, Marie Odile Krebs, Birte Glenthøj, Stephan Ruhrmann, Gabriele Sachs, Bart P. Rutten, Lieuwe De Haan, Mark Van Der Gaag, Philip Mcguire, Lucia R. Valmaggia, Maria Calem, Mathilde Antoniades, Sara Pisani, Gemma Modinos, Lieuwe De Haan, Mark Van Der Gaag, Eva Velthorst, Tamar C. Kraan, Daniella S. Van Dam, Nadine Burger, Barnaby Nelson, Patrick Mcgorry, G. Paul Amminger, Christos Pantelis, Athena Politis, Joanne Goodall, Anita Riecher-Rössler, Stefan Borgwardt, Erich Studerus, Rodrigo Bressan, Ary Gadelha, Elisa Brietzke, Graccielle Asevedo, Elson Asevedo, Andre Zugman, Jim Van Os,
Schizophrenia Bulletin Open, 2022, vol. 3
Reduced resting state functional connectivity in the hippocampus-midbrain-striatum network of schizophrenia patients Shiral S Gangadin, Wiepke Cahn, Thomas W Scheewe, Hilleke E Hulshoff Pol, Matthijs G Bossong
Journal of Psychiatric Research, 2021, vol. 138, p.83-88
The Impact of Cannabidiol on Human Brain Function Albert Batalla, Julian Bos, Amber Postma, Matthijs G. Bossong
Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2021, vol. 11

Fellowships & Awards

2017: Examining synaptic density in the living brain of schizophrenia patients

2015: Endocannabinoid control of microglia activation as a new therapeutic target in the treatment of schizophrenia

2011: Towards prevention of schizophrenia: the potential of a cannabidiol as a novel antipsychotic agent

External positions

wetenschappelijke consultancy, literatuuronderzoek, onderwijs - inhoudelijk zijn er raakvlakken: neuroscience, farmacologie. - Bossong Life Science Consultancy