Full Professor
Marieke van der Schaaf, PhD, is full professor of Research and Development of Health Professions Education at University Medical Center Utrecht and a researcher at the department of Education at Utrecht University. She is director of the Utrecht Center for Research and Development of Education at the Education Center at University Medical Center Utrecht and the former director of the master programme Educational Sciences (2012-2017).
After her study Educational Sciences (1993-1997, cum laude), she was appointed as a researcher, lecturer and course coordinator at the Department of Education, Utrecht University. Her PhD-study concerned the construct validity of teacher portfolio assessment (2000-2005, cum laude, awarded). Besides she led several research projects on educational innovations and performance assessments in secondary education, vocational education, higher education and medical education.
She has been a teacher and coordinator in several courses in undergraduate school, academic master and research master of educational sciences at Utrecht University since 2000, where she also chairs the board of examinations. In particular, she is responsible for courses on topics of assessment and evaluation.
Marieke earned several research grants for projects about performance assessment, feedback, teacher expertise development and digital assessment in medical education. She has been a supervisor of several PhD-students in these themes.
She publishes and presents her work in international journals and at international conferences and frequently serves as a reviewer for international peer-reviewed journals, conferences and grants.
Her research focuses on the development of professionals of the future that are flexible and adaptive to new situations. Constructive feedback is crucial in work- and learningenvironments for this aim, which is one of the topics of her research.
Education |
1993-1994 ‘Gammapropaedeuse’ Faculty of Social Sciences Utrecht University, with honors
1994-1997 Master Educational Sciences Utrecht University, with honors
2000-2005 Dissertation Educational Sciences Utrecht University, with honors. Title: Construct validation of teacher portfolio assessment. Procedures for improvingteacher competence assessment illustrated by teaching students research skills.Promotores: prof. dr. K. Stokking and prof. dr. N. Verloop.
Work experience |
1994-1997 Research assistant Process Management Secondary Education, The Hague
1995-1996 Research assistant ‘Onderwijsinspectie’, The Meern
1995-1997 Research assistant of several educational research projects, Utrecht University
1998-2002 Junior Researcher, The Langeveld Institute for Research, Utrecht University working on the research project ‘Assessment of students’ research skills’ (NWO-PROO 1998-2000) and six ‘third stream’ research projects.
2003-2005 Junior Researcher and Lecturer, Educational Sciences, Utrecht University
2005 Basic University teaching qualification
2006 Assistant Professor, Educational Sciences, Utrecht University
2012 Senior University teaching qualification
2012 Associate Professor, Department of Education, Utrecht University
2012 Coordinator and director master program Educational Design and Consultancy
2016-2023 Lid Raad van toezicht van de Christelijk Voortgezet Onderwijs Groep Zuidoost-Utrecht
2018 Director Utrecht Center for Research and Development of Health Professions Education
Public CV Marieke van der Schaaf
Research aim
We aim to develop adaptive, creative, responsible future health professionals by investigating learning in education and at workplaces. This leads to evidence-informed education and innovations that foster the health domain.
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