Assistant Professor
Strategic program(s):
Magdalena Lorenowicz studied Biotechnology at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. In September 2001 she moved to Amsterdam to start her Ph.D. research. During her Ph.D. studies she investigated the role of cAMP signalling in the regulation of leukocyte chemotaxis and endothelial barrier function. After completion of her thesis, Magdalena moved to the Hubrecht Institute in Utrecht, where supported by prestigious VENI award (2008) she focused on the mechanism of Wnt secretion, combining the genetics of C. elegans with cutting edge cell biology techniques in mammalian cells. In April 2012 she joined the Department of Cell Biology and Center for Molecular Medicine at Universty Medical Center Utrecht to set up her own research line investigating molecular mechanisms regulating the immunosuppressive and regenerative properties of the human mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSC) with the ultimate goal to directly link her expertise in studying cell-cell communication with clinical applications. Since 2015 she works as independent research fellow at Regenerative Medicine Center Utrecht. Here she expanded her research group and works on the interphase of fundamental research and regenerative medicine and continues to investigate biology of MSC and their in vivo function with the final goal to improve MSC-based therapies.
Personal website:
2019 Grant from Dutch Paediatric Cancer Foundation (Kika); €125K
2018 - Personal grant from Dutch Arthritis Foundation (ReumaNederland); €150k
- Personal grant from K.F. Hein Fonds/Utrechts Universiteitsfonds; €10K
2017 Translationeel Adult Stamcelonderzoek (TAS) Game changer grant from ZonMW; €400K; together with Dr. L. Vonk
2016 Young investigator award at 13th ICRS World Congress, Naples, Italy (together with Dr. L. Vonk)
2013 - Personal grant from Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital (WKZ) Foundation; €150K;
- Grant from Dutch Arthritis Foundation (Reumafonds); €250K;
2010 EMBO conference series Travel award
International C. elegans meeting; “Development and Gene Expression”, Heidelberg, Germany
2009 The best poster award at EMBO conference “Endocytic machineries in control of cell signalling and tissue morphogenesis”, Chania, Greece.
2008 VENI fellowship from The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) Life Sciences; €208K;