Full Professor
Strategic program(s):
Luke PH Leenen (1957) graduated from medical school of the Radboud University in Nijmegen in 1982. From 1980 until 1985 he was a research fellow in the anatomical department of the Radboud University. He earned his PhD (1985) in basic neuroanatomical research on an electron microscopical analysis of the pyramidal tract of the rat.
From 1985 until 1988 he trained as a surgical resident at the Radboud University Hospital Nijmegen (Program director: Prof de Boer, later Prof Goris). He continued (1988-1991) his training in the Elisabeth Hospital Tilburg (Prof van Vroonhoven, later Prof vd Werken). After completion of his residency he visited Prof Waneboo in Providence for a oncology fellowship, followed by a AO fellowship in Chur (CH) with Prof Ruedi. From 1992 on he was staff surgeon at the Canisius Hospital Nijmegen responsible for Trauma and was appointed director of the Emergency Department.
From June 1993 he returned to Tilburg as a staff surgeon responsible for Trauma and Intensive Care.
He went to Utrecht in 1999 as a staff surgeon for Trauma and Intensive Care. He is the director for Surgical Intensive Care (until 2005), Emergency Department (until 2012) and the Major Incident Hospital (Calamiteitenhospitaal) (until 2021). In 2000 he was appointed professor of “Integral quality management in hospitals”. In 2002 he was appointed Professor of Trauma, Intensive Care and Acute Care Surgery.
He holds the position as chair of the trauma department and is the medical manager of the Traumacenter and local trauma registry.
2023: Honorary member of the European Society of Trauma and Emergency Surgery
2022: Otmar Trentz lecture
2021: Honorary fellow of the American College of Surgeons
2020: Gold medal of the Dutch Association of Surgeons